Sunday, March 30, 2008

Congrats to Judy, Larry and David

Congratulations to Judy and David for finishing another marathon and doing well despite the conditions! And to Larry too for his Half finish! Not many people can say they did that a week before hip surgery!

A good Monday morning run with Cousins, Jenny and Sandy. Warm and no rain.

Just one little rant not related to running. Last night we watched No Country for Old Men. It won the 2007 Academy Award for Best Picture. I have decided that since all movies are so predictable these days that in order to get a "Best Picture" award it has to make absolutely no sense. It had potential to be a great movie and I was eagerly awaiting for the great ending to tie it all together! As I realized the minutes were ticking closer and closer to the end end of the movie I became more and more amazed that they were going to produce a great ending in so little time. Then the movie suddenly ended. Jim and I just looked at each other in disbelief and shook our heads. Nothing like going from anticipation to frustration to make you not like a movie! I think we will just stick to the mind numbing simple movies. Apparently, we don't have the culture to appreciate the good ones!

Monday's are always hard, so sometimes it helps to start the day with a little laughter. Make sure you watch it all the way through....

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