Saturday, June 14, 2008

Strong Women!

Quite a group of women running this morning. Made me wonder what happened to all those men runners who were talking so big during marathon training! We (us women) knew that the real grit is shown post marathon by being one of those who continue to run! It is an amazing feeling to see all of us women out there running together! (but we always like when the boys join us too!).

Wendy and I did a little over 10 miles. It was a beautiful morning, but I was thankful when the sun was hidden behind the clouds. It would have been pretty steamy otherwise.

Well, we are off on vacation and I won't have computer access... so talk to you in a week!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Runner

The group welcomed a new runner this morning - Kristi M! Yeah! Welcome! Unfortunately I didn't get to know her since it is now official. I have recovered from the marathon. I know this because today I decided to do a little speed work. Despite my organized nature it was very ;by the seat of my pants" but thankfully Wendy was willing to go along with it. It essentially entailed running fast (not sprinting! I am not that insane) for about a quarter mile then slowing it down until I felt capable enough to do it again. Of course, I was running with Wendy who has a faster 'normal' pace than me. So really, the whole run was a speed workout!

I have been meaning to do this for two reasons. One - to get my normal pace faster after it slowing down during marathon training. Two - like anything, your body adjusts to activities you do on a regular basis. So although you still get the same benefits, you don't tend to burn as many calories - or something like that. So, in addition to a slower pace, the other thing marathon training gave me was a few extra pounds. I am also trying to get rid of those!

Maybe Wendy and I can get the rest of the group to join us once in a while.

Looking forward to seeing Kristi on Thursday. She says she will be there!