Tuesday, April 3, 2007

No rain

Much to the chagrin of all of us, it was not raining hard this morning so we all had to run! Christy was feeling the effects of our hill work out the morning before, but she eventually stopped whining and crying ;-) Her new love are Clif Shot Bloks (Sorry Bryan!). And no, alcohol isn't involved!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Hills again

Sandy wanted to do a hill work out again, so we did. At the end she was probably trying to remember why she liked them so much. It is a nice way to start the week since the walks down the hill give us time to talk and catch up from the weekend - once we get our breath back that is!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Appreciating running friends

Today was a day that was meant to make you appreciate your running friends (they are SO much more than partners!). Jill and I planned on meeting this morning at 7:00 for 5-6. I called her at 6:30 since it was raining, just to make sure she was still planning on coming. I guess my subliminal power of suggestion wasn't strong enough because she said she was still planning on it. Chalk it up to one of the many things that I said I would never do -but do anyway... run in a cold, windy rain. (Other things I said I would never do,but did; run any race longer then 5K, run a marathon, run in the morning, run on vacation) Thanks Jill for helping me take that one off my list!

Despite the weather and legs feeling very heavy the first mile, it turned out to be a nice run.

Oh - I also ran 11.67 with Jill, Judy and Amy on Friday. Amy kept me going fast.