Friday, February 13, 2009

About Time.

I am only posting because Jill asked me too. She wanted the last post that was all about her to get bumped down. I was a little hurt it wasn't because she was waiting for the next version of inspired and humorous writing. I think I will get over it.

I have to admit that she is right. My last post was Feb 4th... way to long to be silent. So, I have run the past two days. Thursday was a little alarming, the wind was strong which reminded me of what we have to look forward to in the coming months. I tried to remember to "not fight it" which does help, but I would rather that it wasn't windy.

Today was not so windy and I feel spring in the air even though it wasn't that warm. I guess it is the lack of snow and ice. It is so nice to run with little fear of slipping or tripping.. Of course, Katie needs to worry about that whether or not there is snow on the ground!

Tomorrow is the first long run! Do I hear cheering?