Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hmmm... I have been having a hard time coming up with interesting things to talk about here. I guess that reflects my overall attitude about running right now.

The Onion reported on a retired marathon runner who found a new "high". It is tempting....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Old School

We had to go "old school" today. My Garmin's battery was out and Elyse's turn off 8 feet into the run. Not a good day to do it because I had new route "antsy pants". Or maybe it is the momentum of the election - I need "CHANGE". Unfortunately, as with almost all change, it was hard. We started up Jefferson, so we did the hilly route over to BC. Jenny kept on wanting to add more hills in by I looked out for the rest of the group and said no, no, no. Of course, it was purely for selfish reasons, I just want to make sure that people keep on coming on Monday mornings. If we make it more hellish than just getting up early on Monday morning, people will never come!

So, with out Garmins, I had to drive the route afterwards to get the mileage.

Yeah, right! Not THAT old school. I went to my route website and plotted it out. 5.73. Correction - a HILLY 5.73! So, let's call it 6.0!