Monday, January 17, 2011

Scary People

I guess the Sparta Running Group are scary people once you get to know us and for some we are just scary to begin with.

I came to the conclusion that we are 'scary once you get to know us' since Dean Martin (no, not this Dean Martin. He is dead after all and even though getting up to run at 5:00 am is quite amazing, we are not THAT amazing) has been a NO SHOW not once, but twice! We can excuse it once, after all we all have those mornings where we realize we forgot to set the alarm. But TWICE????? We are forgiving folk, but come on. Even Katie knew since when I mentioned Dean's lack of reliability she started singing, "He's going to be in the blog! He's going to be in the blog!". Her rendition took me back to my youthful playground days which I needed considering how my body was feeling running in the mushy snow pack. We had even gotten him talking about running his first marathon this spring. Oh, wait - maybe THAT is what scared him away.

Now, I also know we are scary before you get to know us, because there are several people on our running e-mail distribution list who have yet to show for a morning run. We are patiently waiting for you........ I am sure that distribution list keeps their finger in shape from clicking the delete button, but 2011 is all about "the WHOLE body" not the clicker finger. So, come on people! We are not that scary, or fast!

Needless to say Dean did not miss much this morning. Another miserable run with mushy snow pack on the road and more coming down. The only good thing was there wasn't a lot of the new stuff, unfortunately there will be for tomorrow morning. It ALMOST makes the treadmill appealing.