Friday, December 28, 2007

A little help from friends

I was feeling quite sore this morning after two afternoons of skiing with the kids. I am feeling muscles I didn't know I had! Thankfully Jill and Mike were there to distract me from my aches and pains during the run. Plus some streets are still snow covered, which slowed the pace down.

We managed to piss off only one guy this morning. Apparently being in a nice warm car versus out running in 18 degrees wasn't enough to save him from feeling slighted that we were running on his side of the road and not in the hard crunch, ankle turning, slush. So, just to put us in our place, he gave us two loud blasts of his horn (definitely not the friendly peep, peep - way to go!). I am sure the people sleeping soundly in their beds in the surrounding houses were equally happy that he put us in our place! We were shaking in our boots after such scolding! Especially Jill. Come to think of it, it was probably one of her Worker Comp victims!

Well, unfortunately Mike was not out skiing yesterday afternoon - so I don't have any humorous stories to lighten up you day!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Running with Jill

An early morning run with Jill. Still slippery, but the depth of snow has gone down. I was a bit worried about how my legs would feel after skiing last night and a couple of knee twists - mainly due to awkward dismounts form the T-bar, not due to spectacular falls. Speaking of spectacular - ask Mike about his encounter with the T-bar. The judges scored it a 9.5!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Post Christmas Run

Christy, Jill and I enjoyed a nice post Christmas run today. It was especially nice since we ran at 6:00 instead of 5:00. The only annoying part was all the darn cars! It took me a while to figure out why there were so many more than usual!

I was watching some Chicago Marathon video this weekend and it was pretty exciting to watch! So many people. I have heard the registration will start Feb 1, instead of January 1. I will watch the website to make sure we don't miss it!