Thursday, March 12, 2009

Saturday thoughts

I think I will be thinking this on Saturday. I got it from Running is Funny blog:
Ode to Advil

Oh, Advil Liqui-Gels, your 200mg of solubilized ibuprofen whisk away my cares and restore my creaking joints to relative normalcy. Not since Jack traded his cow for some magic beans have such little tablets brought so much comfort. Along with sugar and caffeine, you comprise the master runner food pyramid. While younger runners look to better shoes, vitamins, hydration, altitude training, etc., for improvement, I look to you, Advil, to get me to the next starting line.

Is it over??

A glorious 4 degrees this morning! Ugh! The only thought that got me out of bed was "This HAS to be the last of it!". Plus it was my last run with Christy before she headed out on her warm vacation. Oh, and Mike was with us too.

Here are some ideas for future races that I saw in the Running is Funny blog. I think there is one calling to Arnie... guess which one!

Buffalo’s Shamrock Run features a beer tent – at the start. Last year, about 200 runners who showed up never quite made it to the starting line, and another 300 started, but didn’t finish, because the route went past five saloons.

Winners of the Napa Valley Marathon receive their weight in wine.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It will get easier

We did our first interval run of the season. I have to remind myself that they will get easier and hopefully faster as we do them. I wonder if there is any "FUN" way to do intervals. Hmmm.. sounds like a Internet search. I wonder how many hits I will find?

Mystery.... there are some vandals lurking around Walgreens in the morning and they only target Mike. Two mornings in a row Mike has returned to find "ice boulders" on his windshield. I believe "ice boulders" is a scientific name... someone mentioned they learned it on the Discovery Channel. Anyway... if we looked closely there were the initials HWMNBN scratch in it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Not a good Monday

I love Wisconsin, I love Wisconsin, I love Wisconsin, I love Wisconsin.

So, not a great Monday run. First the dreaded time change. Although it wasn't too bad. Apparently Sandy had a hard time with it though since she didn't show. Or maybe she was getting back at me for taking her on a longer run than she really wanted on Saturday. Plus, leaving her to run alone the last 2 miles - even though it was her idea. Wendy and I broke "the code" with that one.

Two - the conditions.. maybe another reason why Sandy didn't show. (Did I mention that Sandy didn't show this morning?). The slushy ruts had turned rock hard OR it was sandy snow... not fun to run in. Hard on feet and ankles.

Three - Elyse lost one of her icestablizers and of course it was the first time she had worn them. I think it went off and went looking for Sandy (Did I mention that Sandy didn't show this morning?) since we tracked all the way back to Rusk Street and didn't find it. Hopefully Elyse will find it when the sun shows itself.

The good news is that I just check the weather and the weekend weather forecast is better than Elyse's sources. It is supposed to be seasonably warm not zero. One less thing to dread this week!