Saturday, November 17, 2007

Beer - What's good for you!

A balmy 40 degree run with Sandy, Jenny and Christy this morning. We all shared our "How I Missed the Big One" deer hunting stories - not! And of course we recounted every Packer play - not. But given it is WI gun deer season which means it is the week that your local beer distributors sell the most beer (not kidding), I thought it appropriate that I share some good news about beer...

I found this on another blog.... Of course it won't surprise any of you...

Beer consumed after an intense workout can actually help you rehydrate.Which is of course the exact opposite of everything you've ever read.

Researchers think the sugars, salts and carbonation in the beer assist with fluid absorption.

The beer study comes from Granada University in Spain, where a Sadistic Med School Professor apparently made 25 volunteers run on a treadmill in 104 degree heat until they were about to die but not quite. (Killing study participants is frowned upon, even in med schools where the professors could make great use of the cadavers for educational purposes).

Anyway, the researchers took some measurements from the nearly-dead participants, including their hydration levels, "concentrationability," and motor skills. (Is concentrationability even a word? Well, sure it is--at least after a few beers). Then they gave half of 'em a pint of Spanish lager, while the rest got water. Next, everyone got to drink as much water as they wanted.And guess what? Those who got beer had a "slightly better rehydration effect.

"The Daily Mail article also mentions that "sensible drinking of one or two units (of beer) a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia, diabetes and Parkinson's disease." And that beer ingredients are a "rich source of vitamins and minerals."

See - Wisconsin marathons which have a beer tent after the race are just looking out for our health - it has nothing to do with tradition!

Friday, November 16, 2007

I was so excited

to run this morning, because there were 6 people signed up!!! All the chatting, stories, plans for the weekend AND Mike wasn't signed up! But I was so saddened when I got there and it was just me, Jenny and Christy. Not that they aren't good to run with except for the fact I knew it was not going to be a slow, relaxing Friday run! Where is Jill when you need her???? Speaking of absenteeism, the CU Girls were missing in action also. Sandy had given advanced notice, so she gets a lighter slap on the wrist, but Wendy, Wendy, Wendy. Where were you girl??? I had been hearing that you were up for the MIP (Most Improved Participation) Award! Way to choke at the end!!!

Anyway... good luck on the Turkey Trot!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Once again...

you missed it! A new route! However, fellow die-hard Christy did not. I guess it will be our secret little route only to be used by her and I. Of course, Mike was supposed to join us (the one who always gives me grief about new routes) but Christy said that he called her last night and said he THINKS he is coming down with a cold. So apparently just THINKING you are coming down with a cold is good enough excuse to get out of your commitments. I will have to remember that the next time my boss asks why I was absent from work. It is so nice too, because Mike can't open my blog due to his work having extra stringent computer security (I guess you can't blame them knowing Mike!). No e-mail backlash from him today!