Friday, October 30, 2009


I was very tempted to call Bryan last night and say "It looks like it is going to be raining, so I am not planning on running." But since last time we had planned to run, I did almost the same thing, I knew I would be opening myself up to endless grief. So, I opted to waited to see if it was actually raining in the morning before I called and bailed.

Unfortunately, when I stepped outside it was NOT raining. So much for getting to sleep late on a non school day! I had a hard time believing my themometer too.... 58 degrees! Couldn't be! So I am so glad I didn't do a preemptive bail otherwise I would have missed out on one of the last warm runs of the year... which is what happened to the THREE people who stood up Christy at 5:00 am! Shame, Shame... I think you will be getting tricked instead of treated this Halloween!

So it was another nice run with Bryan. Today's topic was buying and maintaining cars. I learned a lot. Thanks Bryan.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A warning to our running group:

Beware of when Elyse and Mike start talking football!

This morning was an enjoyable run until E and M started talking football... our pace ended up being 8:45!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It has been awhile

Wow! I didn't realize how long it had been since I last posted! I have run since Oct 10th! But not much. Last week the morning run got rained out 3 times! I was convinced by Kwik Trip gal to go running with her and one of the Cousins on Thursday evening. As usual, dreaded doing it, but was glad I did.

The raining weather must have gotten to everyone because today was a big group, everyone except for Jenny and Wendy. We did a spontaneous new route that got everyone in the mood for Halloween (dark and scary). It was nice to have the big group again... I left feeling very happy and thankful!