Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Are you a Beer Runner?

I saw this at BeerRunner and for some reason Christy came to mind.

You are a Beer Runner if you:

1. Fantasizing about the beer you’re going to drink when you’re done is what gets you through the final miles of a hard run or bike ride.

2. When planning a destination race, you take into account not only the views on the course, but whether or not FREE beer is offered at the post race party.

3. You judge a race director’s performance in part on the quality of beer he or she offers at the finish line. (Christy doesn't care what kind, just that it is FREE)

4. You’ve cured a hangover with a run.

5. You’re in way better shape than your drinking buddies (unless they’re also beer runners).

6. You consider hops part of carbo loading.

7. You’ve calculated your recommended daily beer allowance.

8. A certain Todd Sneider tune is the power song on your iPod.

9. You reserve a bottle of something extra special as reward for a PR. (in Christy's case this is a Budweiser instead of a Bud Light!)

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