Monday, April 21, 2008

Shorts - 2008

It was above 50 degrees this morning so I wore shorts. First time (outside) in 2008. I checked 2007 and the first time I wore shorts was March 26 (and 27)! Now it will be interesting to see if we can keep on wearing them! After the winter we had, we deserve to wear shorts for the next 6 months!

Mike and were the only ones brave enough to show our white legs. I figure it is one more way to stay safe - the car lights glaring off my legs. Of course, for Mike it is a safety hazard since people are so intent staring at his "nice calves" (not the moo kind) that they might actually have an accident due to inattentive driving! Mike would like you to believe that he is embarrassed by this attention, but every time he wears shorts he tells us a story about how someone - usually not of the opposite sex - notices his nice calves.

However, I am willing to put up with him, as long has he doesn't show up looking like this:

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