Sunday, April 22, 2007


It was a great day for a run in D.C. today. It was about 55 when we started, but it felt warmer. It felt a little strange to be running without any wind. Tons of people were out running or biking. It was just a beautiful spring day and it made you love being a runner and getting out and enjoying a new town. We took a new route this year that Dave and I liked much better, Jim of course, seems to prefer running next to busy highways and airports. Strange for a guy who is very traffic concerned (always running on the 'right' side of the street, always single file (even on country roads) and never crosses a street unless the crosswalk says you can go. It must come from his days on safety patrol! So - we did 12 miles at about an 8:41 pace. I am feeling good about PRing at GB, but will need to run better than that pace - barely.

Grace had her very first piano recital today. She said it went well, only one mistake. She said no one notice though because no one else knew the song. I think she heard that from Grandma Betty. Grace was the first one to play and Betty reported that she walked right up without any hesitation. No surprise there! Proud of her!

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