Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crabby Apple

Today I cannot shake my crabby apple mood. My run this morning did not help. I am still struggling. At one point I made a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of the run.... it was light out, I could hear birds chirping which means spring is on the way, there was warmth in the sun which means spring is one the way, my new running jacket seems to be working well, most of the ice was off the sidewalks. Unfortunately I was only able to keep this up for 5 seconds.

So, this morning I went in search of an appropriate Oscar the Grouch video. However, while listening to this song, I realized that it is much more appropriate for Christy our self proclaimed long run grouch. She has been trying to complain less and be more positive during our long runs (and sometimes during our regular runs) by saying such things as "I will be really happy when this run is over." She knows she isn't quite getting it, but we will give her an A for effort because.... We Love YOU Just the Way You ARE!

Christy has been struggling to come up with something to give up for lent and a brilliant idea just occurred to me! It the perfect thing because not only will it be a sacrifice for her, it will also greatly benefit others! It is much better than her sacrifice of limiting herself to one dessert a day (now you know why she runs) She should give up complaining during running. Notice that I didn't limit it to long runs. She needs to really sacrifice - all runs!!! What do you think??? Yes, I am really asking, so there is a poll at the top of the poll for you to indicate your thoughts. I know I haven't wowed you all with my technical know-how for quite some time, so I thought I would expose you all to a new gadget - blog polls.

Also, you will notice that I did some updating to the blog page. Long over due.

Lastly, in attempt to end this poll on a positive note, I am happy to report that I actually finished the paper's Sudoku puzzle today. My husband tells me that Sunday has the hardest puzzles... so I am particularly pleased!

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