Thursday, January 6, 2011

Before you were a runner

Thanks to Running is Funny for most of this, but I added a few of my own. You will have to guess which ones.

Before you were a runner there is no way you would have paid $90 for a pair of sneakers–every six months.

Before you were a runner you never did the "sniff test" before deciding to wear clothes a second (or third or fourth) time before washing.

Before you were a runner you thought 'Body Glide' was something you bought in an Adult Store.

Before you were a runner you thought people who were running just before a race were insane.

Before you were a runner you thought people who ran before dawn were insane.

Before you were a runner you thought people who ran after sunset were insane.

Before you were a runner you would have spit out the sugar water that you now drink every 10 minutes.

Before you were a runner you thought that Gu was a kids toy and Gel was for your hair.

Before you were a runner you thought women runners were too skinny.

Before you were a runner you would have called tapering “wearing out.”

Before you were a runner you had no idea how far 10K was.

Before you were a runner you never would have thought a weekend of "fun" would include running a marathon.

Before you were a runner you could have thought of a lot better ways of spending $90 to have the privilege of running 26.2 miles.

Before you were a runner you would not have told people you had foot blisters, black toenails and chafing in sensitive areas.

Before you were a runner you were afraid to go outside before dawn.

Before you were a runner you thought Keflezighi was a rare tropical disease.

Before you were a runner you made fun of people in tights or short shorts.

Before you were a runner you thought nutrition that came out of a squeeze tube was for astronauts.

Before you were a runner you didn’t how ketones smelled.

Before you were a runner you would have laughed hysterically at people doing lunges, strides or butt kicks.

Before you were a runner you never watched running on TV.

Before you were a runner your favorite website wasn’t Running Is Funny, it was this.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome Dapperdame

I see I have a new "official" follower - Dapperdame. Yes, I know there are more than 4 people who follow this blog, but only four have signed up to "follow" me. You can do this if you have a Google, Twitter or Yahoo account just by clicking on the 'Follow" button above "followers". Hey, if my old, retired boss (I Love ya Tim!) can do it, so can you!

Talk is beginning about the 2011 season. Lots of newbies saying they are going to give the Green Bay Cellcom MARATHON a try! Gets me nervous (I was going to say excited, but I know where some of your minds will go) just thinking about it. And admittedly, a bit envious. The social butterfly in me just wants to burst out of my marathon boycott cocoon and flit along with them. My boycott of marathons until Disney in 2012 is self induced and I know in my hearts of hearts (and my feet, ankles and knees) that it is the right thing for me to do. But for some reason I get the marathon itch when I listen to nervous and excited (rightly so!) newbies talk about it. Although I also know what a good feeling it is to only have to run 1.5 hours when they are running 3! Not that I would ever rub it in!

What races are YOU thinking about running in 2011?