I did reach my goal which was simply to have a better experience than my first marathon. Although I just realized I did it 6 months earlier then I intended. When I wrote the goal on my blog page I referenced Chicago, not Green Bay! My time was almost exactly the same, but it was such much better experience during and in recovery!
I was a little worried the first half because I wasn't feeling that great. It took a while to get into a rhythm and I never felt the surge of energy that I did during my first half. At the halfway mark I decided to take advantage of the wind at my back and pick up the pace a little bit. During my first half I was already playing the "if I run to the stop sign then I can walk until the next one". At about mile 16.5 we turn North and headed down the Fox River. The wind was pretty much in our face, but trail gave us some protection. I didn't let it get me frustrated. I just kept my legs moving at the same rate and didn't fight it. My pace slowed by about 30 seconds/mile, but I was okay with that since I was feeling so much better than the first marathon. We had the wind for a little over 6 miles, so I was happy when I finally saw people running across the a bridge (there were a lot of bridges before that teasing me!) I felt good until about mile 23 and then I started to struggle. I was still able to maintain a run, with very short walks at water stops. I was getting frustrated that I wasn't seeing the stadium and I was once again NOT happy that I had to run through it. Luckily, I got a boost of energy when I saw Christy cheering us on and telling us that she was at mile 25! Then I finally saw the Lambeau Field and even more important my 3 college friends cheering me on. So, I was able to pick up my pace and run through the stadium and to the finish line with a smile on my face - quite a contrast to my first marathon!
I was a little fearful that this marathon might make the upcoming Chicago Marathon an event that I dreaded, but now I am looking forward to it.
The rest of the runners in the Sparta Group did great too! Our two "newbies" finished well under 4 hours- a little light headed but still standing. They unfortunately did not get a grandma hug like I did at the end of my first marathon. Wendy met her goal of ridding herself of the 4 hour monkey on her back. Jenny was just happy to stop at the right timing mat this time. No last minute 50 yard sprints. Sandy and Jill finished with smiles on their faces and not looking like they had just ran 26.2 miles!
Things to remember:
- The lady (or was it a man) in all in pink.
- The new motivational ABC game - except for Wendy.
- A reminder to teach newbies race etiquette such as not shoving through two people running together!
- Pace people don't really run at pace the whole race (why is the 3:40 guy behind the 4:00 guy?)
- Al should run the full so he doesn't drink all the beer before the marathoner's get in.
- Wine, beer and crackers with the crew are an essential part of the race (Jill!)
Good job to everyone! We all FINISHED! A huge achievement for all of us!