I love Wisconsin, I love Wisconsin, I love Wisconsin, I love Wisconsin.
So, not a great Monday run. First the dreaded time change. Although it wasn't too bad. Apparently Sandy had a hard time with it though since she didn't show. Or maybe she was getting back at me for taking her on a longer run than she really wanted on Saturday. Plus, leaving her to run alone the last 2 miles - even though it was her idea. Wendy and I broke "the code" with that one.
Two - the conditions.. maybe another reason why Sandy didn't show. (Did I mention that Sandy didn't show this morning?). The slushy ruts had turned rock hard OR it was sandy snow... not fun to run in. Hard on feet and ankles.
Three - Elyse lost one of her icestablizers and of course it was the first time she had worn them. I think it went off and went looking for Sandy (Did I mention that Sandy didn't show this morning?) since we tracked all the way back to Rusk Street and didn't find it. Hopefully Elyse will find it when the sun shows itself.
The good news is that I just check the weather and the weekend weather forecast is better than Elyse's sources. It is supposed to be seasonably warm not zero. One less thing to dread this week!