Friday, March 23, 2007

Late run

I am not sure if Christy was giddy because she had the day off or she got to sleep an extra hour! We ran at 6:00 instead of 7:00. It was nice to see the light increase through the run. It went quickly and was perfect weather (no wind and 40!).

Thursday, March 22, 2007

For Tom

Tom told me he reads my blog so I am sure that he has been hoping his name will appear - so Tom - this post is for you! Sorry I didn't get it posted yesterday, but I had to rush out of town and didn't have time to sit down in front of the computer after our run.

So, now the pressure is on - I have to make this blog more interesting! Maybe I will have to start bringing my camera long on runs (I hear that groan!)

GOOD NEWS! Our morning "no sidewalks" run which we have been doing since snow fell is actually 5.7 miles not 5.5! At least according to my trusty old Garmin! On Wednesday we did it in 49:11 which is a 8:37 pace. I think that is close enough to put 6 miles in your log - don't you?

Monday, March 19, 2007


It was a wonderful morning run - 40 degrees and no wind! Feels like spring is coming! My legs felt a little heavy after yesterday's 11 mile run, but not too bad. I love running in the spring!