Friday, February 19, 2010

First official long run

I guess I should be happy since the first official long run of the training season is done.

It was painful.

The night before I had called C to tell her that if I wasn't there, don't wait for me. I was experiencing a sudden onset of nausea and thought I was in for a long night. I had heard too many nasty stories of 24 hour stomach bugs. Maybe it was my body's way of trying to get out of it since I had a solid night of sleep - dead to the world.

In the morning I was still feeling nauseated, but still able to run. Plus I didn't want to not go and then feel fine later in the day. I would rather go and quit the run early if needed. Too many times I have felt icky before a run just to have it disappear a few miles in.

Near the end of the first hour I was already thinking.... boy, I wish this was the end of the 2nd hour. NOT a good sign. A quarter of the way into the next 1.5 hours I was already thinking about telling the cousins and Tom to just go on. It was one of times where every time I looked at my Garmin I thought "Only ONE minute has gone by?????".

I managed not to bail as we ran by the vehicles... at that point I was able to think... I CAN do 45 more minutes. But not long after I told the others to just go. Of course I forgot that they are all Garmin sluts. So, not long after they slowed their pace down in order for me to catch up. Don't go thinking that they are kind and sensitive running friends because they are not. Nope, they don't care about me, they just care about my Garmin. The were lost with out me and my Garmin. Fortunately my slow, slow pace eventually made them give up and they went on their way.

I did finish, a little shy of 2:15, but only by 2.5 minutes, so that is just fine considering how rotten I felt.

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