Yes, that is right folks! Someone who does not live in our wonderful community nor in the state actually read this little ole blog! C
rossn81 who is from Indiana let me know that the Twin Cities Marathon registration opens on April 18
Th and the race is October 5. Thanks for the information fellow blogger!
I don't know how my fellow runners will be able to run along side my big head after this!
I enjoyed a nice NIGHT run with Jill, Amy and Dave. I thought more runners would be at running club, especially considering the weather that is on the horizon. Maybe Sheri let them know I was coming and everyone made other plans! It was nice to catch up with Amy and Dave. Having gone to the early rising group, I don't get to enjoy Dave's humor any more!
I decided to extend my run so I would get a long one in before the weather. So, I ran another 40 minutes - covering 10 miles. Slow, but considering the light dusting of snow, that was fine. I forgot how enjoyable it can be to run with some good tunes, especially ones from the 80's. "I wear my sunglasses at my night" shuffled through which was very fun - until I started to realized that the lyric "I wear my sunglasses at night" is pretty much the only thing he sings the whole song! I guess when you are a teenager you don't really care! I was somewhat bummed when my
Ipod ran out of juice just at the beginning of Rock Lobster. Luckily the end of my run was near!
Well - Jill was demanding that I send out an e-mail about Saturday run - so I better get on it!