I know it has been a while since I have posted. This weather is not of the motivating, "Let's get out and RUN!" kind. It has been crappy, crappy, crappy - one more time CRAPPY!. I suppose it is a good thing since my ankle was "causing problems" - runner lingo for injured. So I needed to take a week of to rest it and then gradually build back up. The weather helped with the gradual part. The silver lining is that it would really have sucked if I had to not run during a week of beautiful weather. Yes, my ankle seems to be doing better. I have an appointment with PT, but keep on delaying it to see if I really need it. The pain has subsided, but I still soak it in a cold bucket of water after each run. I think it was caused by running with my dog. His pulling caused my gait to change, thus putting more stress on my ankle. Needless to say, He is NOT happy about not running anymore. Everyday when I return from my morning run he lies on his bed and gives me the silent guilt trip.
Today was a tough run. I ran 11.5 yesterday and normally I wouldn't run today, but with the weather I have been a bit short on weekly mileage. So the pace was much, much slower than normal. And throughout it I was thinking, "Maybe 3 will be fine today, maybe I will cut it off here, maybe I will cut it off here, maybe I will cut it off here." But I made it through and by the end, although I was still running slow, my body didn't feel like it was going to grumble down and collapse.
I wish I had a funny some funny video to share, but no such luck. Hopefully with the racing season some new ones will come out.