Friday, August 29, 2008

Girl Power

Sorry for the delay in posting to my blog this morning. I know that reading it has become part of your morning routine. Today other responsibilities related to God (Sunday school) called. Since my soul is more important to me than providing your morning reading material, I delayed my blog work. I know you are shocked that my world does not revolve around you all, but also realize that I am helping your soul too since you were actually working while at work for once! See! I am always looking out for you!

I think Larry was channeling through me this morning. For at least for a minute I felt that I might be feeling a level of enthusiasm close to his. While we were running there was a point where I saw 7 (yes, count’em SEVEN) female (We MISS you Mike!) shadows running along with me. Something about that just sends a chill through my spine. I think it just awesome that all of us are out there running TOGETHER. I hate to say “GIRL POWER” but it is kinda like that. Of course, we are more ‘mature’ and enlightened “girls”. Plus, all the great friendships we have developed as a result! It just sends a warm fuzzy right to my soul!

Plus we had another surprise this morning. AMY showed up! I was wondering who it was as she got out of her car. (another NEW runner?) I didn’t get a chance to talk with her and find out how her knee is holding up and if she is training for anything. GREAT to have her back!

I can hear Jill now, “You didn’t get to talk to Amy because you were running too darn fast”. Yes, Jill – You are right. It was a GOOD run. I think I was enjoying not running with my Garmin (low batteries). No pressure. But of course as soon as we were done (actually before) I asked Wendy what our pace was – 8:33!!! Whoo Whoo! Wendy – two words: Interval training. Which reminds me of the face Wendy gave me when I mentioned doing intervals this morning. Not one of her better looks, but the meaning was clear! Please note everyone – this was requested by Evil Jill. She tries to be sneaky by sending me an e-mail before our run asking to do them. But does she pipe up when everyone groans when I say “How about intervals?” NOOOOOOO. She stands there quietly. In fact, I think she even groans too. She is SNEAKY, be warned!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting Better!

We continue to improve our interval pace. Today was 8:33. Now, I know you feel like we do intervals all the time - and so did I - but looking back at my history the last time we did intervals was on August 7th. So, don't call me a Slave Driver - Gol' Darn It!.

I think our new runners are enjoying the benefits of running with others... in other words - running faster. Yesss, this is a benefit, not a torture. I heard Elyse and Katie going on and on and on about how fast I was running the last part of the run (post intervals). Hmmmmm, I must point out that they were close enough behind me that I could hear EVERY SINGLE WORD, so I wasn't the only one running a 8:31 pace that last 1.2 miles! Way to go girls!

Looking at our pace during the intervals, we significantly improved the pace during the fast portions. During our 8/7 interval, only one of them was below a 7:30 pace. Today all but two were below a 7:30 pace and those were the first too. All of them were below a 8:00 pace! Excellent!!!!

And WENDY and JENNY weren't there - even though they were signed up to be.....

Monday, August 25, 2008


Normally I dread my first run after vacation. I don't think I have ever experienced a "good" run in that situation. When we got home from vacation I checked my e-mail (does that surprise you?) and there was one from Wendy wondering if I wanted to run that afternoon. I was up for it, but wasn't sure Jim would be thrilled with me heading out after just getting home. I caught Wendy and she hadn't left yet. I checked with Jim and he was fine with it - the benefits of having a husband who runs!

I had energy for the run, but wasn't looking forward to 1. the post vacation run 2. running in the afternoon (my body rhythms just aren't used to it anymore) 3. running in much hotter weather than usual 4. Running with speed demon Wendy.

So, we started out and I felt like I had expected - post vacation run - lead legs, felt off balance and like I had never run a day in my life. Plus I was looking at another 5 miles of this in hot, sweaty weather - not a situation that brings a smile to my face.

It was hard, but not too bad. We ended up with an 8:36 pace which I believe is the fastest so far! So THANKS Wendy for getting my butt out there!

I am now done with ME, ME, ME and on to WENDY, WENDY, WENDY. Here it is folks - for the record. I direct quote from her: "I think this winter I am going to adjust my temperature barrier to 10 degrees". Whoa! Hold the Presses! You know it is now because now it is in writing on the Internet and we all know that everything we read on the Internet is true! I didn't mention to Wendy that the Farmer's Almanac, which claims an accuracy rate of 80 to 85 percent for its forecasts, predicts at least two-thirds of the country can expect colder-than-average temperatures this winter and above-normal snowfall for the Great Lakes and Midwest, especially during January and February. I know that Wendy is always up for a challenge!