Saturday, November 29, 2008

A good day for Yak Trax and these....

Finally! Someone has tried to address the problem of cold jiggly buns! Not the jiggly part, just the cold part, but when it is cold the jiggly is more noticeable (and painful!). I could have used these today!

I found them while breezing (no pun intended) through Mile Marker Sports catalog.

They are called Northwind Unders and claim to be the perfect cold weather unders with 3SP front panel for windproof protection. At $35.00 they may be a good thing to add to your Christmas list. If you get them, let me know how you like them! Yes, they do have a men's version also.

Katie, Elyse and I braved the elements today. I never think it is bad once I get out there. The wind was brutal but was from the North, so we didn't get the full brunt of it too many times. I struggled being low on energy still from stomach flu and not eating much yesterday, but it still feels good to have gotten out there and it was a lot more enjoyable with others.

Not our dog. Not our dog.

We had two new running partners join us today. One was invited and one was not. Christy brought Bella along for her first run with the group. She did great. I think the sales of Vislas will go up in the Sparta area, but we need a breeder that is not 6 hours away! Our second uninvited visitor was a mutt puppy from some where in the Rusk Ave neighborhood. We aren't sure though - that is just where he joined us. I thought he would get bored, outside her normal range or find some delicious Thanksgiving leftovers in some one's garbage. For once I was wrong! He ran with us up Rusk, around Margaret, back down Rusk (we were foolishly thinking he might find himself near home and go back), down Pine, and back downtown where last I saw him. He had spotted Elyse running off toward home and took off after her (I was safely in my car). I guess we will find out on Monday if the Johnson's have a new dog.

I survived my post stomach flu run. The dog seemed to slow our pace down, which I enjoyed! Jim now informs me he thinks he is getting it too. Hmmm probably won't be going out tonight.

Monday, November 24, 2008


954 feet is the total amount of elevation we climbed this morning! And a total of 5.8 miles. Yes, that's right - we did a HILL work out this morning. Sorry Jill, just couldn't wait until Wednesday.

I wish I had a digital voice recorder at the end when Christy said, "Despite what you heard during the run, that is exactly what my butt needed." It was somewhat interesting to learn all the different expressions of exasperation, especially when we took a turn that meant more hills, not taking the easy way back to Walgreens.

I think I have a new goal - being able to run the entire route - even up Torrey View.