Today was DESTINY!
As I drove up the hill to our house I saw a woman running up it. As Jim is quick to point out to me - I notice anyone running in town, especially if I don't know them. Jim teases me that I am on the edge of demanding unknown runners show their 'running license'. Due to this and since he was with me when I drove back down the hill, I decided the perfect opportunity to embarrass/freak him out had presented itself (Mike would be proud). (Plus, Melissa has brought so many new runners to the group, I figured I better step up and find some too!)
So, as I neared her on her downward trot, I pulled over to her. I am sure Jim was thinking "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, (He really was praying) she is really going to do it, she is really going to ask her who she thinks she is running in town without making her presence known to the 'Morning Running Group".
Well, close. I asked if she ran in the mornings. She said she has, but it was hard getting herself up. Well! Did I have a deal for her! I briefly explained about the morning running group, the weekly poll etc. and of course asked for her e-mail address. Guess what it was????
It was a little tough for me to spell, but I finally got it!
How great an e-mail address is that!?! She acted all embarrassed when we exclaimed over the GREAT e-mail address, which we, of course, pish pawed. We told her it was an EXCELLENT choice and proved, even beyond the fact that it was obvious she can run, that she would be PERFECT for the running group. No worries about being a beerhater!
Do I need to also point out the brand she chose to highlight? No, it has nothing to do with her last name which has its roots in German heritage and starts with an M, has an L in the middle and ends with an R. She assured us it was because it was such a great tasting beer. I think she told us that before we mentioned we were Miller Beer Distributors. What a nice gal with discerning taste!
Obviously she is perfect for our group! However, since she was on her run I didn't want to delay her to long, so I never got the chance to ask if she was a Packer or Vikings fan.
Keep your fingers crossed that she starts running with us! I am guessing she has a lot of great stories!