After Jill and I ran in -9 temperatures, it made me realize how much the Cousins deserve a little something special in the blog this morning after running in -17 (or more) yesterday. So, my Ode to the Cousins:
Ode to the Cousins
Oh! On that frozen morn
Two cousins did clothes adorn.
For ahead of them they did see
5.5 miles of sheer stupidity.
The weatherman said 40 below!
The cousins said "We still will go!"
In Wisconsin it is never to cold
for these two cousins oh so bold!
So out they ran side by side
With only their frozen breath as their guide.
Cars passed with drivers gawking in wonder
As in to the cold these two did blunder.
As they returned to their abode
They said "Oh what a story to be told!"
The two knew this story would cajole!
Agreed it was - A better tale than the Ice Bowl!
So hats of to Christy and Mike
who showed us their running might!
The rest of us were snug in beds
Thinking "My! What boneheads!"