Saturday, January 1, 2011

House of a runner

You know you are in a house of a runner when:
1. Body Glide is sitting out on the bathroom vanity, not hidden away in a cupboard
2. The charger to their Garmin is sitting right next to their cellphone charger.
3. They have a clothes drying rack set up permanently in their room/bathroom so running clothes can dry before going into the hamper or (having passed the smell test) are worn again ;-)
4. There are at least two pairs of running shoes sitting out.
5. A training plan for a half or full marathon is prominently displayed on their refrigerator.
6. A Running World magazine sits next to the toilet.
7. In case of world wide epidemic, Gu (or equivalent) can be found some where in the house.
8. A dresser drawer (maybe 2) is dedicated to just running clothes.
9. A reflective vest hangs on a hook by the door and in winter a pair of ice cleats s or Y aktrax.
10. Weather Channel is a favorite web page and Time & Temp is on speed dial.

New Year

I hope that how 2011 blew in is not a sign of the year to come!

I enjoyed a great 6 mile New Year's Day run with Kwik Trip gal. It would have been easy to cancel since the wind is just HOWLING outside and it is about 30 degrees colder than the balmy 36 degrees I ran in on Thursday! Ah - the whims of Wisconsin winters.

Runner's World magazine came at a perfect time yesterday. In it was an article about 3 friends running in cold sleet and ice. So, when I considered not going just because of wind, I felt quite wimpy. However, in the same edition they feature a Weather Channel guy who said he doesn't run outside if it is below 45 degrees! (He lives in Atlanta) If he does, he pulls out all the cold weather gear! Give me a break! Let's talk about running in -17!

I did pass my previous yearly mileage record of 1326.38 set in 2009! I ran 1356.52 in 2010! Not bad considering I only ran one marathon last year as compared to two in 2009. Since I don't plan on running any marathons in 2011, I doubt I will top my 2010 mileage, but you never know!

Happy New Years Everyone!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Two Highlights

Well, I have two highlights to end 2010.

First - For all of those who have been anxiously waiting to see if I beat my previous record for yearly mileage (particularly Bryan). YES I did! I know there were a lot of bets out there on this. I believe in Vegas the odds were in my favor. I actually passed my goal last week.... so if you were your bet was based on what day I did it (kinda like baby birth boards) you will have to agree to share half of your winnings with me before I tell you the day.

I still have a day or two of running left in 2010, so I can't post what my final mileage is yet.

Second - I was mentioned in Shut Up and Run's Blog!!! I feel like I have gotten my 15 minutes of running fame. Lord knows I will never get it by winning any race of any stature, so I will take it where I can get it!