Saturday, February 13, 2010

Still learning about each other

Today my husband and I had one of our rare runs together. We opted to run while the boys were at basketball practice. We ran the first 5.5 together and then he continued on for another 5 miles, meeting us at home. On this run I found that after 11 years, I still continue to learn new things about him.

Obviously it was Valentine's weekend since he ran without his ear buds. Normally he doesn't understand why I think listening to an iPod while running with someone defeats the whole reason to run with someone. He says he can still hear me. This is kinda true since he does tend to hear me when I am repeating what I just said in addition to giving a dirty look. However, I don't think this counts, but he apparently does. I should take what I can get since the day before I had to inform him that Valentine's Day was on February 14th, not the 12th. This honestly surprised him. To be fair to him (and because he will quickly point this out to anyone who mentions this blog posting to him) I should admit that two nights before I turned to him and said "Just so you know, I am not getting you a Valentine's Day card". He believes this means that it should be no surprise that he does not know what date V-day actually occurs on. Hmmmmm.... again... we have different levels of expectations.

Anyway.. got a little off track here. So, on this run with my dear, dear, husband I learned that he is a SIDEWALK runner and I am a ROAD runner. Now, in the summer this would not bother me too much, but in the winter when running on sidewalks means leaping over rock hard snowplow mounds at intersections; tip toeing over ice spots from snow that melted then sheeted over the sidewalk and then froze; and praying that my ankle doesn't twist as I run over sidewalks that had not been shoveled (GRRRR) I find this practice somewhat ludicrous. Especially when the road is nice and clear. So, there were many times during our 5 miles when I was running on one side of the road (against traffic) and he was running on the sidewalk on the OTHER side of the road. Makes for great conversation. This should not have surprised me since he tends to be a pretty law abiding person when it comes to pedestrian type activities. He leaves it to me to be the family law breaker when it comes to crossing the street before the street light flashes the white (you are allowed to) walk person (all the while shaking his head or giving the "I am NOT with her" look). Also, on previous joint runs he often urged me to get into a single file formation even though the car he believed was 'upon us' was in actuality just a 'glint of sun off the roof in the far distance' to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time we run together he brings a long a rope with two loops to hang on to, just like you see pre-schoolers using on field trips.

But I must say, despite all this silliness, I do love running with him and am thankful we have something we can do together, even if he is wearing his ear buds. It wouldn't be any fun if I couldn't rib him about something!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Runners World

I have been having long and serious thoughts about my relationship with my Runner's World subscription. Simply said - the thrill is gone. When I see it in the mailbox I think "Eh - there it is." instead of "Oh Boy! It's here!"

I am not quite sure why this is. Maybe I am wondering if they are following down the road of the guy who edits Men’s Health who was sacked because he had a unique way of handling his old responsibilities. It just seems to be the same ole, same ole. PLUS the Penguin is gone!

Granted - I am not normally the magazine type, but I thought things were different between me and RW. Apparently not. No, I probably won't cancel it because I subscribe through my niece's fundraising effort, but it is kinda depressing. It is sad when something you love so much loses its appeal and excitement. It reminds me of when I realized that my relationship with The Complete Running Network was, in my eyes, dying. There are only so many times that I am willing to go to a site only to find that there are no updates. The anticipation and excitement of reading something new only to be disappointed time after time. And believe me, I gave CRN many, many chances to redeem itself. If felt like I was losing touch with a good friend, but as with everything, I came to understand that sometimes you have to let go. I had to recognize that all the work I was putting in (navigating to a website is hard after all!) was just not being reciprocated and it got removed from my favorites list. Harsh, I know, but necessary. Tough Love.

I am happy though that I have found a replacement in Shut and Run's blog. Her post today was TOO FUNNY!

Cold Pace Run

Today we opted to do a pace run. Ugh.

I am not a fan of pace run even in ideal conditions. Today was not ideal. The temperature hovered at zero. Plus all the ice chunks from the snow earlier in the week provided some additional challenges. BUT we did it and a decent pace considering the conditions..... 8:46. That is about 30 seconds per mile faster than what we normally do in the winter. It was a short one - only 5.5 miles, but since training hasn't official begun, I am FINE with that. Plus I think running in the cold is more strenuous so that added 2 miles - right? Oh - and I was running without Shiner (dog) pulling me along... so even harder!

Now I can take joy in the fact that I don't have to run tomorrow AND I have tomorrow off!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New runner blog to follow

I have been casting about and lurking around trying to find a new running blog to follow. I think I may have found one: Shut up and Run. I even left her a comment to see if I could get some free champion running apparel. I have to say, I love their bras.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I checked and I am definitely registered for the Fargo Marathon on May 22. I have another compulsion to add to my pre-race obsessive compulsive disorder. Since I some how goofed my registration to the LOTTERY for the NYC marathon, I have become a nervous Nelly.

I got excited too when I went to Fargo Marathon's merchandise page. It looked like they might have something to tempt my credit card before the race. However, when I went to the page there was only coffee mugs, bumper stickers for the 2009 race. It was hard, but I resisted.

So I went on trying to find something else to get me JAZZED about running the Fargo Marathon. The only thing that got my heart beating - in a good way - was the course elevation chart. It looks relatively flat - doesn't it? Or are they putting it at such a large scale that the changes don't look too bad? Sorry, I can't get it any bigger. However, I will tell you that those "BIG" valleys in the first half are LESS than a 20 foot change in elevation. That can't be has bad as the last street bridge at Chicago or the Hill from Hell (my name, not the official one) over the last 4 miles of Twin Cities (and I swear to you the hill lasted the ENTIRE 4 miles!). So right now - big grin on my face.