So, just to start off - I had a nice 8 mile pace run with Christy this morning. Well, the company was nice, but the run wasn't. I continue to hang on to my "I gave blood" excuse. It really has wiped out my energy in runs. However, the 8 miles did go by quickly - THANKS Christy. I hope giving up Bryan for Lent is going well.
So - a little vent here. I just don't get people sometimes. I just deleted a comment from my blog which was from a person pretending to be a friend or an 'interested' runner when in actuality they were trying to get me to go to a shoe website. Well, I am at least giving the benefit of the doubt that it was a shoe site and not a virus site. If it was a virus site, then well this person has WAY too much time on their hands. I mean, who has time to go find running blogs and post a comment about running shoes (complete with misspellings) just to get me to go to a site to get a virus. Did I mention that they mentioned Prada sneakers???? Oh yeah - I think I will give up my dependable Asics Nimbuses and switch to Prada. I am sure they pay good attention to the needs of a runner like me. I wonder how high the heel is? At least that way when I fall I will fall forward - towards the finish line!
I also don't get the virus thing. I don't understand how this gives people a thrill. They never actually see the frustration and damage they do. Maybe their imaginations provide better images than what happens in reality. I just don't get it. Sometimes I feel it just is an indication of the weird evil in the world. A sad thought. Why do people feel the need to cause harm to people they will never see? Okay, getting too deep here. I went for my run already today, you would think I would have all this energy out of my system. Maybe it is just because I am getting my haircut today (LOVE the massage during the shampoo (Can I fall asleep right here?? Please???)) AND I am leaving for vacation tomorrow!!!! Whooo HOOOO!!!!
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