Saturday, September 26, 2009


After looking at the weather forecast for St. Paul next weekend, I couldn't help but wonder if there is a conspiracy afoot. It is forecasting a chance of rain Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday night and Monday - every forecast period except Sunday which is sunny and perfect running weather, which coincidentally is when the marathon is taking place. Hmmmm.

It brought two memories to mind.

One was a fateful trip to Bayfield's Applefest with my friend Wendi. We were intending to spend 3 glorious days there. Now, those of you have been to Bayfield know that if outdoor activities are out, there isn't a whole lot to do. The moment we arrived it started to pour. That evening we started asking our B&B hostess what the weather forecast was (conveniently there was no TV or radio in our rooms or the common area). Her reply always was "I am sure it is going to turn beautiful". After the 5th time it was hard not to retort back "I don't care what you think, I want to know what the meteorologist thinks!" Needless to say we left early and went to the nearby Hellman cabin where at least we could watch rented movies!

The second one is very relevant for this time of year. Long ago the Forestry Division (who I work for) was responsible for providing the Department of Tourism with the fall color forecast. One year staff reported that the fall colors would not be particularly stunning for various weather and precipitation reasons. Soon they got a call from s another, more powerful state office, who shall not be named here, informing them that, in fact, the fall colors would be spectacular... in fact EVERY year they would be spectacular. There is a lot of power in those tourism least that is how the story goes....

But I am sure that in actuality good weather will prevail and we will have a beautiful day for the Marathon... but I might check a few other weather sites just to make sure....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let downs

It was a warm and drippy run this morning, but a lot of fun conversations. I apparently missed a lot of ribbing by missing Tuesdays run. I was appreciative that they were willing to recap. Of course, Mike was the one retelling stories, I am not sure if Elyse, Katie and Jill appreciated it since they were usually the butt of the joke!

I told them that yesterday I had a frustrating day in the world of running gear shopping. My initial reason to shop was to get grippers for the icy season that will undoubtedly come before they are all sold out. I decided to try a new kind, ice joggers. I became fairly frustrated since I had a very hard time finding out what shoe sizes S,M,L equated too. (shame on you Road Runner Sports). Having finally accomplished that task I realized I should buy some energy gel since mine are about gone. I was pretty excited when I saw a new seasonal favor "mint chocolate". MMMMMM. The reviews I saw were good too. However, I wanted to be sure they had caffeine which was not readily apparent (shame on you AGAIN Road Runner Sports). So again I had to go searching to other websites to figure it out. I finally found an ingredient list that contained a ingredient that said behind it "contains caffeine". Not exactly resounding proof, but at this point I was willing to take it. I put it in my shopping cart only to learn that it wouldn't be shipped until Oct 9 - AFTER my marathon. UGH! All that hard work and salivation for nothing! Just not my day for easy Internet shopping!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1000 miles

I just realized that this morning I passed the 1000 mile mark for the year! I am on track to break my yearly mileage record of 1291. I really don't mind if I don't break it because it isn't one of those records I want to keep on breaking! But I do like to reach 1200 each year.

I also noticed that my blog has had 12,000 visits! Wow. Of course, I believe that is over the 3 years (as it really been that long???) that I have been doing this. So, I guess that isn't that great.

A STEAMY run this morning. 65 degrees and high, high humidity. I am wondering when reality is going to hit.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Weather, Can't See.

It is that time of year when running is filled with mixed blessings....

1. It is perfect running weather, but so dark it is hard to see.
2. Marathon training is over, but the actual race is 2 weeks away.
3. We have great tans from a summer of running, but now we have to cover them up because it is getting cold.
4. Just as marathon training ends, the marathons of eating begin (football season, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Holiday parties etc, etc)

Speaking of eating, a few of us have been participating in a group weight loss effort. It is not a "challenge". It is just some sharing of personal info (Here is how much do I weigh today!) with the hope that all this sharing will provide extra motivation to eat right. So, that made me really relate to the following video: