I got excited too when I went to Fargo Marathon's merchandise page. It looked like they might have something to tempt my credit card before the race. However, when I went to the page there was only coffee mugs, bumper stickers for the 2009 race. It was hard, but I resisted.
So I went on trying to find something else to get me JAZZED about running the Fargo Marathon. The only thing that got my heart beating - in a good way - was the course elevation chart. It looks relatively flat - doesn't it? Or are they putting it at such a large scale that the changes don't look too bad? Sorry, I can't get it any bigger. However, I will tell you that those "BIG" valleys in the first half are LESS than a 20 foot change in elevation. That can't be has bad as the last street bridge at Chicago or the Hill from Hell (my name, not the official one) over the last 4 miles of Twin Cities (and I swear to you the hill lasted the ENTIRE 4 miles!). So right now - big grin on my face.
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