Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cold Pace Run

Today we opted to do a pace run. Ugh.

I am not a fan of pace run even in ideal conditions. Today was not ideal. The temperature hovered at zero. Plus all the ice chunks from the snow earlier in the week provided some additional challenges. BUT we did it and a decent pace considering the conditions..... 8:46. That is about 30 seconds per mile faster than what we normally do in the winter. It was a short one - only 5.5 miles, but since training hasn't official begun, I am FINE with that. Plus I think running in the cold is more strenuous so that added 2 miles - right? Oh - and I was running without Shiner (dog) pulling me along... so even harder!

Now I can take joy in the fact that I don't have to run tomorrow AND I have tomorrow off!


  1. It was miserable out this morning wasn't it? I was melting snowballs off my eyelashes the whole time!

  2. Yes... felt more like snow BOULDERS this am!
