Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When speed work does not equal speed

I should have stayed in bed today like I wanted to.

I could have too.

No one was meeting me to do the track work out, so at least I slept until 6:00. I could have slept later, but I figured the longer I stayed in bed, the harder it would be to get out of it. Plus, I knew it would be hot and muggy and it was.

For those of you who don't know, our track work outs are what we used to call in high school swimming - "a ladder". We start with a lap warm up (I need much more than that), then a 400(one lap) followed by a lap of recovery (slow jog). Next a 800 (2 laps) followed by a recovery lap. We do that up to a 1600 and then come back down.

I knew I was in trouble during my warm up lap. I was hoping that it was just the normal pain and agony of getting my body warmed up, but it wasn't. My subsequent 400, 800 and 1200 were pretty pathetic. Slightly faster than my normal running pace. Then during my mile (1600) I got distracted by Ollie who decided that he would rather leave with Mr. Richgruber than stick around with me. I paused my watch with the full intent of finishing the mile, but when I started back I couldn't remember if I was finishing lap 2 or 3. And that was THAT. I was DONE.

Well, not quite. I decided that my body could handle some quick, short speed work, but was not up for the longer stuff. So, I did 10 x 100. I am not sure if that will really help me, but I figured it was better than nothing.

So, on a less depressing note:

I saw this elliptical bike at the street fair when I was Idaho. It might be something that would be good to give a try if I was injured. I also found a video of Dean Karnazes who uses it. Apparently he is going to do a couple of ultra bike events with it. I couldn't help but wonder why the guy in the red shirt doesn't match his bike like the other two. Did they decide it was too matchy-matchy?

I am always on the look out for a new Sparta running uniform. I have found the perfect one for the guys: I am sure it would eliminate chafing and bleeding nipples:

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