On Wednesday when a certain person whose name rhymes with Wednesday and actually all the letters of her name are in Wendysday, I mean Wednesday, didn't let me know that she changed her mind and would not be running hills with me, I ended up running with the 6:00 group. (Dear Grammar Police - I know that is a very long run on sentence, but it is my blog and I can do whatever I want to do. You should just be happy I am posting at all) Yes, I should really thank her since I didn't have to run hills, but I also missed out on an extra half hour of sleep. I am not sure if the good out weighs the bad.....
Anyway, since I wasn't doing hills I figured I should get some speed work in. So after the hilly part of our route was done (I am not THAT hard core), I started to pick up the pace. I had edged a block or two ahead of our group when I passed by a guy taking a cigarette break out side his place of employment. He put quite a grin on my face with his enthusiastic "You Go GIRL!" "Keep your Focus!", "Pick up the Pace!", "Run, Run, Run" which lasted much longer than I expected. Plus,he finished with the Rocky Theme. It kept me smiling for quite a while. When I came back to my fellow runners they said they got the same royal treatment. Nice!
Today I decided to run with the 5:00 and 6:00 groups so I could make sure I could get my long run in (11 miles). The forecast was threatening rain on Friday when I had planned to do it. I have done this in the past, but this time I was the only one running long. I was quite surprised when I returned to the parking lot with the 5:00 group. They essentially ran right up to their cars, jumped in and left. Hmm... okay.... well.... so much for a little post run chit chat. Obviously I need to return to my 5:00 running time to model how to have fun running and relax a little. Too much seriousness!
Tonight I saw my "Speed Work Doesn't Equal Speed" post appear on Facebook (my brother "Liked" it). So, I ended up reading it. Wow - lots of typos. Sorry about that, but I am usually in such a rush to just get something posted that I don't spend a lot of time proofing it. So, of course I had to go back and correct it.
I know I have reached the extent of your attention span, so it is time for a little humor. This weekend is the Runner Camping Weekend which I organized, but won't be there. Long story, but I will sum it up by simply saying "BRAIN FART". Also, one of the posts I got the most feedback on was the one with the video of the drunk guy trying to put on a flip flop. So, I found a video which combines the two - two drunk guys trying to put up a tent. For your enjoyment:
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