Thursday, August 12, 2010


It has been very hard for me to post this summer (I know, excuses are for LOSERS!). But after my morning runs I quick eat breakfast and then take Ollie out for what usually is an hour walk (tired puppies make happy owners). By the time that is all done (plus showering) it is time to shuttle the kids some where. Today, however, I realized that I have a few musing to share.

On Wednesday when a certain person whose name rhymes with Wednesday and actually all the letters of her name are in Wendysday, I mean Wednesday, didn't let me know that she changed her mind and would not be running hills with me, I ended up running with the 6:00 group. (Dear Grammar Police - I know that is a very long run on sentence, but it is my blog and I can do whatever I want to do. You should just be happy I am posting at all) Yes, I should really thank her since I didn't have to run hills, but I also missed out on an extra half hour of sleep. I am not sure if the good out weighs the bad.....

Anyway, since I wasn't doing hills I figured I should get some speed work in. So after the hilly part of our route was done (I am not THAT hard core), I started to pick up the pace. I had edged a block or two ahead of our group when I passed by a guy taking a cigarette break out side his place of employment. He put quite a grin on my face with his enthusiastic "You Go GIRL!" "Keep your Focus!", "Pick up the Pace!", "Run, Run, Run" which lasted much longer than I expected. Plus,he finished with the Rocky Theme. It kept me smiling for quite a while. When I came back to my fellow runners they said they got the same royal treatment. Nice!

Today I decided to run with the 5:00 and 6:00 groups so I could make sure I could get my long run in (11 miles). The forecast was threatening rain on Friday when I had planned to do it. I have done this in the past, but this time I was the only one running long. I was quite surprised when I returned to the parking lot with the 5:00 group. They essentially ran right up to their cars, jumped in and left. Hmm... okay.... well.... so much for a little post run chit chat. Obviously I need to return to my 5:00 running time to model how to have fun running and relax a little. Too much seriousness!

Tonight I saw my "Speed Work Doesn't Equal Speed" post appear on Facebook (my brother "Liked" it). So, I ended up reading it. Wow - lots of typos. Sorry about that, but I am usually in such a rush to just get something posted that I don't spend a lot of time proofing it. So, of course I had to go back and correct it.

I know I have reached the extent of your attention span, so it is time for a little humor. This weekend is the Runner Camping Weekend which I organized, but won't be there. Long story, but I will sum it up by simply saying "BRAIN FART". Also, one of the posts I got the most feedback on was the one with the video of the drunk guy trying to put on a flip flop. So, I found a video which combines the two - two drunk guys trying to put up a tent. For your enjoyment:

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