I found these Nike Running ads on one of my favorite running blogs -Runny is Funny. I had to share them....
All of us early morning Wisconsin (COLD!) runners can probably say that Nike got the idea for this ad from us since it has happened to us at one time or another...... Sadly, though they got the reality part of it wrong. Because we all know that it it was real, she would have icicles on her eye lashes and pony tails!
Now this is one that goes out to Mike. He always scoffs at us women when we talk about wanting to lose those infamous 5 lbs. Maybe this ad will put it in terms he will understand.
This one I know they got after watching me during the last 3 miles of the Twin Cities Marathon. And yes, I was talking out loud to no one but myself.
Excellent! I often wonder how long it would be till I couldn't blink!