Monday, January 19, 2009

Change We Can Believe In

It became apparent this morning that the morning running group needs to get swept up in the President Elect's "Change We Can Believe In" message. It is time for some formalized rules. Oh, yes, we joke about our "rules" such as sprinkler runs when one doesn't show up, donuts on the anniversary of starting running with the group, no running with water bottles tied to your waist with a string, but sometimes someone feels the need to push a little too far as was the case this morning.

As is typical, when we run we don't talk about running. Although this morning it was slightly different because we started talking about what marathons we were thinking about running when the topic got wildly out of control. One of the runners admitted that she was having a hard time getting excited about Green Bay. We in our naivete thought it was because she is a Cowboys fan AND from New York. (On a side note, I think it is pretty gracious of the group to still allow her to run even though she blatantly does not support the Pack OR the Vikings). But NO - it is because she doesn't like BEER (I think she also said brats, but I am not sure because I was in a state of shock.) She must have taken our silence as agreement because then she said "In fact, I HATE BEER". Good thing it was -5 out this morning and we had to keep moving to keep from freezing or else I think the rest of us would have stopped dead in our tracks. Again, she must have taken our silence for agreement because she then went on and on about WHY she doesn't like beer. And it wasn't in a "I need to explain myself" voice, it was in her "I am proud to be a New Yorker and Hater of Beer voice".

It seems that this all has now come out because she has gotten comfortable with us and thinks that she has run long enough with us that she won't be kicked out. Well, she might be right, but it doesn't mean that we will let this happen again! So, the first rule of the morning running club is:

1. Must NOT hate Beer.

I hope you notice that I am being quite lenient here... I didn't not say "Must LIKE beer.". No, our standards are pretty low, we just ask that you don't HATE the nectar of our life - beer.


  1. I think you are looking at this all wrong! As my husband, an avid beer drinker, states, "It's one of her best qualities because that leaves more beer for the rest of us!"

  2. That is what my Dad used to say when I would "complain" that Jim doesn't like morel mushrooms. He would remind me that it meant there was more for me to which Jim quickly responded "Yeah!"

    However, that is morels. No matter how you try to sugar coat it, the fact is you still don't like beer. We aren't that easily fooled!
