"Something utterly foolish or unreasonable" is one of the definitions for 'insanity'. I am pretty sure that a couple of drivers were thinking that when they saw Tom (see - mentioned your name again!) Bryan, Jill and I running this morning. I know for sure that my husband did. I actually think the definition for crazy is more appropriate: "distracted with desire or excitement". We were so distracted by the excitement of running that we were utterly foolish and unreasonable and went running when the temperature was -14 without wind chill! My car
thermometer actually read -19. How cold was it? My
Garmin actually froze.
I am sure there are the skeptical out there. So to prove we ran, we had Christy take a picture of us!

By the way, Jill and I ran 7.5 miles. Tom and Bryan ran 20 minutes longer.
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