Yes folks, I did it! 3 hours ALL BY MYSELF. If you had asked me if I was going to do this last night or 3 hours ago, I would have said no. In fact, I was ill prepared. I had my fuel belt and Gu, but no visor or sunglasses. Luckily, the weather cooperated with me - humid, but overcast. I have to admit that in all reality I did the 3 hours because it took me longer to run the distance due to hills (YES hills again!!!) and because very early on in the run I didn't take a turn when I was supposed to resulting in a longer route. I ended up with a 9:42 pace which is slower than usual, but given the hills and it was just me and my Ipod, I will take it.
I did call Jim at one point to come and get me. It was near the end and I came to an intersection without road signs. I wasn't completely confident in my location as it was. I only had 15 minutes to go, but was out of water and didn't want to be out there for another half hour or more. Well, it turned out that I was exactly where I thought I was which turned out to be about 1.5 miles from the campground. I had 8 minutes to go so STUPIDLY I told him I would keep running now that I knew where I was at. 8 minutes later I was regretting that unwise decision. (I can admit when I am wrong -sometimes) Why my husband of 10 years could not say to me, "Maybe you should just get in, 2 hours and 52 minutes is close enough, especially on vacation." Apparently, he does not have my best interests at heart. A topic for a future discussion with him....
It was a long mile walk back to the campground. I became delirious at one point seeing a Diet Mtn Dew can floating head of me - kinda like when you see water mirages on hot roads. I never got closer to it. When I was about 50 feet from the camp store where I knew my precious Diet Dew awaited me, I saw my dear husband approach in his vehicle. He wondered (a bit late in my view) if I wanted a ride the rest of the way (where were you .8 miles ago???). I think his true intent was to get between me and my Diet Dew - you know how jealous he can be.
But now I am in happy bliss - on my SECOND can of Diet Dew and done with my run!
Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
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