Apparently our newest member to the morning running group is quickly picking up the sneaky tricks of the group. Last night, after concluding a long drive back from Madison, I checked the running poll. Truthfully, I was hoping no one had signed up for this morning. I was feeling exhausted after a couple nights of interrupted sleep courtesy of kids and was very open to skipping the 4:25 ringing (actually music playing) of my alarm.
However, my mood quickly changed when I saw our newest member - Rhonda - was signed up! I have only had the honor of running with her once. Of course, Mike was signed up too, but running with Rhonda helped me to overcome that.
However, this morning - no RwR (Running with Rhonda - I think I may have found her Internet pseudonym). Hmmm. Then when I checked the poll after returning from a nice run with Mike (forever after this to be known as Old Reliable) I noticed that Rhonda's line had "disappeared". I don't think it was an Internet virus reeking havoc either! Nope, a little known fact: I can check the history of entries for the poll! Yep, that is right folks! And what did I find in the history - "
3/5/08 4:51:19 AM CET Rhonda Participant "Rhonda" deleted
Rhonda, Rhonda - I know we are a funny bunch (even Old Reliable) but give us some credit! Do you really think this will save you from the wrath of the morning running group? We may give you some slack being a newbie and all, but this shows deviousness above beyond our normal allowances! I am sure Mike will be thinking of the appropriate penalty.
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