Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last run of 2008
It was a good year. A total of 1291 miles for me and two marathons. Even better was that I came away from the marathons with a positive experience. I loved Green Bay because it got me over my "I Hate Marathons" mentality. So, I headed into Chicago with a good experience under my belt. Chicago will definitely go down as my most memorable and enjoyable marathon. It was so fantastic to train and run that race with all my running friends. Whoever said running is a solitary sport is wrong!
Even better was that 2008 was injury free. My plantar fasciitis did not rear its ugly head again! I am looking forward to 2009!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Beat the record!
Speaking of marathons...... the talk is starting. One person, who I will leaved unnamed (for the moment) says that they are ready to run another one! It looks like I might be pulled in to training for the GB marathon. I have been on the fence any way. I just happened on the following quote that is on the back of my Lutheran Digest. It seems like a sign that I should run the marathon given I was writing this post when I happened upon it:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Desperate Phone Calls
She said, "Oh Allison, Oh Allison please come and run with me. Or else all by myself I will be". I responded "Oh Christy, the problem I do not see. Jill said she will be there unless it is below 5 degrees." She cried, "Yes! Yes! It is true, but Jill said a run she will not do!" Aghast, I must say, I was to hear such a buzz. So with a heavy heart I did tread. Out of my nice warm snugly bed. Off to run with my GOOD friend Christy. Although my eyes were a bit misty. My mood was quite blue. I could not see how this could be true. That our "friend" Jill would be such a pill. It wasn't even below 5 degrees! In the future, her friends she will have to work hard to appease.
Good readers, please remember that I am writing this at 6:00 in the morning. Good thing I had such a WONDERFUL run with Christy. Too bad Jill missed it.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I know you are wondering
Saturday, December 20, 2008
In between storms
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A little cold this morning
I am looking for someone in the group to give the srewshoe method a try. This cheap way of preventing slipping in the winter was featured in Runner's World last month. Plus Ryan from Hillrunner sent me a comment with a website with instructions on how to do it. They say it doesn't ruin your shoes so you can keep on running in them after the snow and ice has melted away.
Facebook - so I am discovering the world of Facebook. I have been more of an observer the last few days. I am not quite sure how I want to participate or how much I have time for, but it is cool seeing what old friends are up too.
I am anxiously awaiting tomorrow. No, not because of snow, not because Mike is buying donuts, but I think he has SOMETHING up his sleeve. I know it will shock you - NOT MIKE! but I think it is true. He is more concerned than usual about whether or not we will be coming. Hmmmm
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Peas and Hair
1. Deliver a bag of frozen peas to Bryan Friday afternoon. If you are wondering why, you will have to ask him. It is just too personal to put here..... but think about it - frozen peas - 3 kids.
2. Compliment Jenny. Not that this is normally hard to do, but the rumor is that she has a new hairdo. A man noticed it, so it must be very different.
3. Medical appointment for Christy. She is showing early signs of developing Tourette Syndrome. Throughout the run she says heel, heel, heel. No, she is not saying it to Mike. She knows he would not listen anyway. She is training our newest running partner - Belle. No not the vampire, Bryan's new dog.
4. No help needed. I think Mike has come a long way since he started running with us, so I will just let him bask in the glow of his achievements - like getting a REAL water bottle. After all, it is the little accomplishments that matter most in this holiday season.
5. Marathon punch card - similar to a golf punch card. Too bad these don't exist. Jill could use one. I think it might help with expenses when she runs 4 marathons next year.
It was a good run this morning. The snow was packed down for the most part so running was relatively easy (I said RELATIVELY). Temperature was a balmy 8.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pleasant Surprise
As you can imagine it was a cold run. Plus my Yaktrax broke a wire. I was expecting it since the wires were starting to break. They are several years old, so I suppose it is time for a new pair. Off to the Internet.....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
1200 mies
Ran today with Judy, Jenny and Bryan. The let me join them since 'i' is close to 'y'. I am the only one with out a 'y' in my name although technically I believe Jenny is Jennifer. It was warmer, but running in about 2 inches of snow is never any fun. I like to go longer on Saturdays, but today I was good with 5.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
GOOD LUCK to Kwik Trip Gal who is running the Las Vegas Marathon this weekend. Oh - and good luck to Arnie too! We can't wait to hear about it!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Did it.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A good day for Yak Trax and these....
I found them while breezing (no pun intended) through Mile Marker Sports catalog.
They are called Northwind Unders and claim to be the perfect cold weather unders with 3SP front panel for windproof protection. At $35.00 they may be a good thing to add to your Christmas list. If you get them, let me know how you like them! Yes, they do have a men's version also.

Katie, Elyse and I braved the elements today. I never think it is bad once I get out there. The wind was brutal but was from the North, so we didn't get the full brunt of it too many times. I struggled being low on energy still from stomach flu and not eating much yesterday, but it still feels good to have gotten out there and it was a lot more enjoyable with others.
Not our dog. Not our dog.
I survived my post stomach flu run. The dog seemed to slow our pace down, which I enjoyed! Jim now informs me he thinks he is getting it too. Hmmm probably won't be going out tonight.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I wish I had a digital voice recorder at the end when Christy said, "Despite what you heard during the run, that is exactly what my butt needed." It was somewhat interesting to learn all the different expressions of exasperation, especially when we took a turn that meant more hills, not taking the easy way back to Walgreens.
I think I have a new goal - being able to run the entire route - even up Torrey View.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hump Day
Unfortunately Jill, Elyse and I were too busy talking because we let the speed demons lead. No wait, that wasn't it. Elyse had to tie her shoe. It wasn't that we are slow. Nope. Those darn shoes!
Monday, November 17, 2008
A recent British study involving a small number of chocoholics found that the simple act of walking reduced cravings for this cocoa derived delight. Walking briskly for 15 minutes not only reduced the blood pressure of study participants, but it reduced their cravings as well.
Hmmm... I think the trick to walking to reduce chocolate cravings is the fact that they were walking AWAY from the chocolate. "just walk away, just walk away, just walk away".
A good run this morning with Katie, Jenny and Christy. Elyse is out with a cold, so don't worry Jill, you didn't miss hearing any of the latest in the school drama. I know you will be relieved. Something to get you through the day after the Buck Cherry concert last night. I know we will all have to talk louder during our runs so you can hear us.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Onion reported on a retired marathon runner who found a new "high". It is tempting....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Old School
So, with out Garmins, I had to drive the route afterwards to get the mileage.
Yeah, right! Not THAT old school. I went to my route website and plotted it out. 5.73. Correction - a HILLY 5.73! So, let's call it 6.0!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Better than last time
We ended up getting the unusual and joyful (not really) opportunity to run in cold rain for the last 1/2 mile of the run. It wasn't quite the experience it was this summer - it was 30 degrees colder, it wasn't lightening, dark and no honks from passing cars (I was wearing black this time).
The good news is that tomorrow I get to be snuggled in my bed while you all are out running! Hmmmm.. Jill seemed to rub off on me today. I am in a spiteful mood despite it being Friday.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Turf Wars
A tired run for me this morning. Even though I slept well last night, the two previous nights on not sleeping caught up with me. But the good news is that the election is over and the post game analysis will finally start to dwindle. It will right? please, please, please.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Last of the warm weather
We survived the Norwalk half marathon this weekend. Here is how I would compare it with Chicago.
Chicago - more cowbells
Norwalk - more cows
Chicago - more people
Norwalk - more cows
Chicago - sweet smell of the city and Lake Michigan
Norwalk - sweet smell of cow poop
Chicago - 30 tables at an aid station
Norwalk - 1 table
Chicago - Free Beer
Norwalk - Beer - $2 (this one is for you Christy and Mike)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Best Quote
I keep on thinking two things that were said in the "Spirit of the Marathon" which rang so true, even though they weren't very deep. These are not exact quotes, but something along the lines of.....
"When you run with people it is funny how when you are running you never talk about running, but when you are not running, running is all that you talk about."
And when talking about pre race rituals/preparation....
"Running tends to make you develop Obsessive Compulsive Disorder."
So true, so true.
Have a GREAT time Trick or Treating!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Blown Away?
It must have not been as windy over on the south east side of town, since Jenny made it. Wait - doesn't Sandy live over there too? Hmmm... Must have been a freak tornado event. Well, they will get their due since this morning will probably be the warmest morning for the next 4 days. (insert evil witch laugh here).
It was a blustery run, but not as cold as they had forecasted it to be. My car thermometer said 40 degrees. I was over dressed.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
3rd day in a row
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
2nd run
I felt stronger today which was good and no aches and pains developed. My quads were a little sore yesterday after running and I am guessing they will be again today.
Jill was a no show. Too bad, I had money to give her. Guess that means I get to pocket it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Back at it post marathon
It was an okay run. My quads started getting sore and I can feel them post run too. We will see how tomorrow goes.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chicago Race Report - FINALLY
IT WAS A FANTASTIC RACE! Is that a good enough race report? Satisfied Jill?
Okay – from the beginning…..
The Expo was good. A lot of people in the area with the race wear which was hard, but the rest of the expo was well spread out and didn’t seem too bad – better than GB. I thought there would be a lot more vendors selling stuff, but it seemed like over 50% were other marathons.
Our condo turned out great. It was a perfect space for us to all hang out together and eat all of Jenny’s Franciscan Bakery Cookies. Plus it was within easy walking distance to the race so no worries about driving, finding parking, etc. I think Mike is going to get a lot of nice Christmas presents because we found a lot of things very appropriate for him. Don’t worry, he won’t know since he doesn’t read my blog….
We had a great home cooked meal in the condo. Again, it was so nice not to have to deal with a restaurant the night before the race. Plus, we were able to prime our race pumps by watching “Spirit of the Marathon” which features the Chicago Marathon. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea since we were a little taken a back by ALL THE PEOPLE! It was hard to imagine what race day was going to be like.
We headed out at 6:30 and walked to the Endurance Pavilion. We paid extra for it, but I think we agreed it was well worth it, especially after the race. We had our own gear check and easy access to port a potties – the most important thing. We didn’t stay long, since we wanted to get to the corral and get a decent spot. It was already 60+ degrees so it was nice not to freeze waiting for the start. At the very least we can say that the spectators had a beautiful day to watch a race.
It was Carrie’s first marathon and she was aiming for qualifying for Boston. Believe me – I tried to dissuade her, but in the end it is her race to run. So, since she wanted to get up near the 3:50 pace group she and I left Sandy and Jill behind and threaded our way through the mass of people to get further up front. I only got on disgusted “Seriously!” Yep, seriously. Follow us if you like! I think this was a wise move after talking with Sandy and Jill afterwards. I didn’t have to deal with too much weaving to get around people. It seemed like we were all running pretty much the same pace – or maybe everyone was just passing me? I had a 9:17 for the first and second miles. Sandy said her first mile was 11:20 or something like that. I saw Carrie’s ass for 2 minutes and then didn’t see her again for 3 hours.
We also got to experience the benefits of having our own personal cheer crew on the course. The anticipation of seeing Sheri, Al and Al's brother Joe got me through many a mile! It was so great to have them cheering us on and taking pictures!!!
The number of runners was pretty amazing, but what was even more so was the amount of spectators. We all agreed that future races will seem like a let down in comparison. Not only were there a lot of them – never a spot without people cheering – seriously! But they were incredibly enthusiastic even after being out there for 4 hours. They made you feel like Olympic athletes.
I caught up with Carrie’s ass at mile 20 and then she ended up looking at mine. The fable of Turtle and Hare came true. Her legs had started cramping at 15, an easy thing to happen on such a hot day. I have definitely become a believer in electrolyte tablets. I could tell when I had taken one. Don’t get me wrong, I struggled at the end. Especially at that damn overpass that they put in the last .25 mile. I couldn’t do it. I let myself walk up it. I knew it was coming which didn’t help, but I probably walked up it faster than I was running at that point!
The other thing about the warm weather is that there wasn’t much pressure to PR. The fact that we were all able to finish without injury or a visit to the medical tent was a victory in itself. Oh sure, there were moments along the course when I though – “I think I can break 4 hours today!” A mile later reality set in and I was thinking “Yeah, I am just going to try and keep running and finish”.
We all agreed that it was a fantastic experience. Good course – although hillier than we anticipated given how they it is so flat. Amazing spectators. Amazing race organization from the expo to the aid stations.
It is very tempting to consider doing men and women next year. Get a condo for the guys and one for the girls…. Hmmmm …..any takers?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Last Run Before the Marathon!
Just looking at this picture of last year's start (10,000 less people than this year) makes me get excited! Can you imagine? I can't!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Getting Excited!
Yes, the excitement is building, but I don't think we will match the level of excitement in the video below. Of course, if Mike was running with us - I think we might.
Monday, October 6, 2008
4:40 am
It was warm today. I was over dressed. Not as much as Jenny, thankfully, but none the less one of my least favorite things is to be over dressed. It is different then running in hot weather when you can't really do anything about it. But being overdressed - it is just being stupid. Not that Jenny is more stupid than me.... ;-)
The day of the marathon WAS looking good. Mike had to ruin it by asking me what the wind was predicted to be. So, of course I had to go and check. The bad news is the forecast has changed since I looked last night. The good news is that there is plenty of time for it to change again.
Sunday, Oct 12
High: 60°F RealFeel®: 56°F - Rather cloudy with a bit of rain
Winds: NNW at 14mph
Wind Gusts: 24 mph
Thunderstorm Probability: 4%
Amount of Precipitation: 0.05in
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Long Sleeve AND Long Pants
Taper time... Time to enjoy the guilt of not running much!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Chicago Video
I found a video of the Chicago Marathon Course. To be honest it kinda freaked me out - definitely got my nerves going. It made me realize how long 26.2 miles is. Funny, I know, but I expected it to go a lot faster on a speeded up video. The good thing is that it is flat, flat, flat.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Got It!
We were blessed with a mild summer and the fall (yesterday was the first day) is looking to be the same - if not on the warm side. A nice run this morning.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Time and place for everything.
Oh, this is soooooo good that it is tempting to keep it to myself in order to treasure it like a precious jewel. I find that throughout the day it continues to brighten my day and bring a smile to my face - almost tears to my eyes - but not quite. Unfortunately, a handful of other people also know, so it won't be long until the story gets out.
Today we were given SOLID proof that Jill was abducted by aliens and a fairly excellent (until today) facsimile was put in her place. It seems the aliens have gotten smart and have changed their tactics so there won't be anymore "I got abducted by aliens" people. It was working for them... until today. I say this because there is NO WAY a person who grew up in Sparta could have done what Jill did today. NO WAY.
Okay, Okay, I can't hold it in anymore. Today was our last and final long run before Chicago. Apparently, Jill was delirious with joy which short circuited her alien wiring. Our last loop was what I call Jenny Extended. We head out on John St. (and what ever it turns into) and when it meets the trail we go right (left would go by Jenny's) until the country road we are on again intersects with the trail. At which point you turn left on to the trail and take it back to Sparta. In all reality, you don't have to be from Sparta (like the pseudo Jill says she is) or even have ridden the trail to know this.
Apparently, the aliens didn't know this either... since Jill turned right on to the trail.... heading towards Norwalk. Yes, you heard me right.... Norwalk. Luckily, she had her cell phone with her and called her dear husband. She didn't know where she was at, but knew that she was on Hwy. 71. So he drove to find her, but was understandably concerned when he found her walking TOWARDS Norwalk. I am surprised that he didn't take her immediately to the emergency room since Jill also professed that she "is really good with directions". No well person could honestly think they were "good with direction" and go the way that was obviously (accept to an alien) the wrong way. This must be normal for Jill since Arnie apparently didn't bat an eye at the situation. Oh, but WE did! Of course, we didn't take her to the emergency room either. Instead we were considering a trip there ourselves from the pain of so much laughter!
How was the run? Good. I felt good which I needed after such a miserable last run. Sandy did awesome! A faster pace then her race pace! Jenny's heel felt good. Wendy struggled, but we reminded her that this was the FIRST bad run she has had this training cycle and we all have at least ONE bad run. Plus she knows the reason why... too fast of a start. Jill had a ..... well.... it is obvious what kind of run she had!
However, I do have a heart. I won't e-mail this to Mike which would ensure he hears about it. We all know how kind he is to Jill when she makes mistakes like this. I am sure he would reach out to her with some kind, supportive words.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Good morning run. Although the light has faded, the weather is beautiful. Wisconsin's wonderful fall.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hump day
A good group today. I am sure I missed out on a lot of ribbing in the back group. KT gal and Mike together is a rare thing these days!
I was pretty bummed today. I brought a piece of paper and pen with me and even and a back-up route in case the Paparazzi showed up. Unfortunately, the star of the group didn't make an appearance. Her agent had an imaginative excuse about a heel that wasn't healing from a cut. I am sure that was that case rather than our humble running group being to 'small town' for the star among us.
Oh, and speaking of sightings of URO's (Unidentified Running Oddballs). I believe we did glimpse He Who Shall Not Be Named (in this blog) running yesterday. He tried to hide himself by dressing all in black either that or he was trying hard to get hit by a car - you never know with him. In any case... despite what he thinks we still did see him when he ran right by us. Yes, he said Hello - even gave a certain someone in our group a high five - but we all really know what he is about!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Not the way it is supposed to go.
Jill was a saint - hanging with me the whole time and keeping up a cheerful banter. It didn't keep me from walking, but it definitely helped me. So, Mike - LAY OFF HER or you will have to answer to me. Of course, I am going to be in San Fran, so I won't be able to do much. Sorry Jill.
So, since we are leaving for San Fran this morning (I have not yet packed)I went another step lower by adding, "I just want to leave for vacation where I can sleep, sleep, sleep."
Yes, I still plan on running when I am out there. It is something I have found I really enjoy. So look for postings from San Fran.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Was today the pace run?
Brrrr though! 43 degrees! I was glad to see that we all struggle to remember what we wear at different temperatures. I thought it was just maybe me getting old. No comments please Mike and Jill.
Mike ran with us today. So of course we were discussing what is up with Jill. He is very concerned. Jill has been acting strangely. More so than normal. She gives Mike a hard time about not running and then goes out of her way to change her schedule so she isn't running on days he is. Come on Jill - we care about you - you can tell us! (Mike put me up to this.)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday - again
Sorry, no humor in my bones this morning. I am sure the Cousins, Sandy and Katie can attest to that after listing to all my complaining this morning. Not about running though.... I won't trash our sacred sport.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Another on under our belts
3:15 - 21 miles - 9:17 pace. My pace fell of the last 4 miles when the voice of Judy kept on creeping into my mind - "It is not how fast you run, just time on your feet". Funny, when Larry talks about keeping negative thoughts at bay, I am sure he wasn't referring to Judy's thoughts. Actually, I felt pretty good throughout the run. Of course, slowing down my pace probably helped.
It was a beautiful morning to run. Too bad my sister in law didn't make it. Apparently, 2 alarms isn't enough. I will have to ask her if she has been having secret conversations with Wendy.
Thanks to Wendy and Jenny for slowing their pace down for me and putting up with me! Done! Good Luck Sandy and Jill!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Glory Be!
Sandy has taken over lead responsibilities. She has become a speed demon - thanks to interval training (hint, hint to all you whiners). We had a nice quick run of 8:43 this morning. I am sure the cool weather helped too!
Mike's appearance game me such a warm and fuzzy that I think that I need not say more.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First Day of School
The hot morning and first day of school made it a hard, hard run, but we did it. I noticed that no one was wondering why we weren't doing intervals..... and I sure wasn't going to bring it up!
Good Luck to all the moms trying to get kids out the door for the first day.
Good Luck to all the teachers in the group!
Good Luck to the kids who have to endure a very hot first day of school.
and THANKS to Jill, Arnie and friends for a great party to end the summer!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Girl Power
I think Larry was channeling through me this morning. For at least for a minute I felt that I might be feeling a level of enthusiasm close to his. While we were running there was a point where I saw 7 (yes, count’em SEVEN) female (We MISS you Mike!) shadows running along with me. Something about that just sends a chill through my spine. I think it just awesome that all of us are out there running TOGETHER. I hate to say “GIRL POWER” but it is kinda like that. Of course, we are more ‘mature’ and enlightened “girls”. Plus, all the great friendships we have developed as a result! It just sends a warm fuzzy right to my soul!
Plus we had another surprise this morning. AMY showed up! I was wondering who it was as she got out of her car. (another NEW runner?) I didn’t get a chance to talk with her and find out how her knee is holding up and if she is training for anything. GREAT to have her back!
I can hear Jill now, “You didn’t get to talk to Amy because you were running too darn fast”. Yes, Jill – You are right. It was a GOOD run. I think I was enjoying not running with my Garmin (low batteries). No pressure. But of course as soon as we were done (actually before) I asked Wendy what our pace was – 8:33!!! Whoo Whoo! Wendy – two words: Interval training. Which reminds me of the face Wendy gave me when I mentioned doing intervals this morning. Not one of her better looks, but the meaning was clear! Please note everyone – this was requested by Evil Jill. She tries to be sneaky by sending me an e-mail before our run asking to do them. But does she pipe up when everyone groans when I say “How about intervals?” NOOOOOOO. She stands there quietly. In fact, I think she even groans too. She is SNEAKY, be warned!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Getting Better!
I think our new runners are enjoying the benefits of running with others... in other words - running faster. Yesss, this is a benefit, not a torture. I heard Elyse and Katie going on and on and on about how fast I was running the last part of the run (post intervals). Hmmmmm, I must point out that they were close enough behind me that I could hear EVERY SINGLE WORD, so I wasn't the only one running a 8:31 pace that last 1.2 miles! Way to go girls!
Looking at our pace during the intervals, we significantly improved the pace during the fast portions. During our 8/7 interval, only one of them was below a 7:30 pace. Today all but two were below a 7:30 pace and those were the first too. All of them were below a 8:00 pace! Excellent!!!!
And WENDY and JENNY weren't there - even though they were signed up to be.....
Monday, August 25, 2008
I had energy for the run, but wasn't looking forward to 1. the post vacation run 2. running in the afternoon (my body rhythms just aren't used to it anymore) 3. running in much hotter weather than usual 4. Running with speed demon Wendy.
So, we started out and I felt like I had expected - post vacation run - lead legs, felt off balance and like I had never run a day in my life. Plus I was looking at another 5 miles of this in hot, sweaty weather - not a situation that brings a smile to my face.
It was hard, but not too bad. We ended up with an 8:36 pace which I believe is the fastest so far! So THANKS Wendy for getting my butt out there!
I am now done with ME, ME, ME and on to WENDY, WENDY, WENDY. Here it is folks - for the record. I direct quote from her: "I think this winter I am going to adjust my temperature barrier to 10 degrees". Whoa! Hold the Presses! You know it is now because now it is in writing on the Internet and we all know that everything we read on the Internet is true! I didn't mention to Wendy that the Farmer's Almanac, which claims an accuracy rate of 80 to 85 percent for its forecasts, predicts at least two-thirds of the country can expect colder-than-average temperatures this winter and above-normal snowfall for the Great Lakes and Midwest, especially during January and February. I know that Wendy is always up for a challenge!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Did it!
I did call Jim at one point to come and get me. It was near the end and I came to an intersection without road signs. I wasn't completely confident in my location as it was. I only had 15 minutes to go, but was out of water and didn't want to be out there for another half hour or more. Well, it turned out that I was exactly where I thought I was which turned out to be about 1.5 miles from the campground. I had 8 minutes to go so STUPIDLY I told him I would keep running now that I knew where I was at. 8 minutes later I was regretting that unwise decision. (I can admit when I am wrong -sometimes) Why my husband of 10 years could not say to me, "Maybe you should just get in, 2 hours and 52 minutes is close enough, especially on vacation." Apparently, he does not have my best interests at heart. A topic for a future discussion with him....
It was a long mile walk back to the campground. I became delirious at one point seeing a Diet Mtn Dew can floating head of me - kinda like when you see water mirages on hot roads. I never got closer to it. When I was about 50 feet from the camp store where I knew my precious Diet Dew awaited me, I saw my dear husband approach in his vehicle. He wondered (a bit late in my view) if I wanted a ride the rest of the way (where were you .8 miles ago???). I think his true intent was to get between me and my Diet Dew - you know how jealous he can be.
But now I am in happy bliss - on my SECOND can of Diet Dew and done with my run!
Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I feel your pain
So you guys were heavy on my mind this morning.. in addition to the interval training from HE double hockey sticks.... I encountered a very LARGE and very LOUD dog. He did not have an electric collar on. Luckily his owner was awake and said "Leave her alone". Apparently he listened. Of course I got to dread repeating that encounter on the way back, but the running Gods decided they had dealt me enough challenges and the dog was inside on my return pass. Whew! Not to be out done though, the Gods made me do my last interval ALL up hill.... no lie.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Trail Running
So, even though Lake Wissota has a 3 mile long road and I could get 6 miles in by running up and down it, I opted for a route that had more trails. And it was great, beautiful, relaxing until that moment when my toe caught a tree root and I went sprawling on the trail. A nice road rash on my knee and shin. Of course, I did this on the most flat and smooth part of the trail. Remember what I said about being careful about my footing?
What amazed me about the whole experience was how quickly the mind and body respond - first to trying not to fall, then by easing the impact, third by assessing injuries and fourth - did anyone see me? This all happens with in 1 second. No worries - I am fine. Just another lesson in humility. I know how much I need that!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Benefits of Middle Age
One of the benefits of middle age is that researchers LOVE to study you! A couple studies have come out recently that once again prove the benefits of running. It is so nice to have studies backing you up when for the umpteenth time someone (a non runner) tells you:
- You are ruining your knees (or some other joint below the waist)
- You are going to have a heart attack training for or during a marathon
- Running will kill you before your time
- The only reason to run is if someone is chasing you.
The only real risk is skin cancer, but of course we have that one beat too since we run before the sun shines! We might have to start lathering each other up (with sunscreen! - get your minds out of the gutter!) before we start our runs! This may also get more male runners in our morning running group - I am sure Larry will start showing up!
On to the more mundane stuff. Yes, 12 mile pace run this morning. Sandy gave Kwik Trip Gal and I a nice surprise by showing up at 4:00 to run with us. I have to admit that when I agreed to run with KTG I thought that 4:00 wouldn't be any different then running at 4:15, which is true until you realize you have to set your alarm clock to go off BEFORE 4:00. Yeah, insane. I wonder if the studies of middle age runners ever look at our sanity or insanity levels. Hmmmm the news might not be good there.
So, we did two 6 mile loops, picking up Elyse, Katie and Kristi at 5:00. We did the first loop a bit fast - at 8:33 pace. Did I mention something about insanity before? The second loop we held our own and ended up with a 8:41 pace. And all but the mile 7 were well under 9:00 - most were between 8:45 and 8:35. Pretty good considering how fast we started out. I must say that it gave me good practicing keeping those negative thoughts under control. Only 4 miles to go, not bad. Only 3 miles to go - I can do that - especially if we don't have to do the hill on Meadowview. 1.5 miles to go, gotta go up Chester, but not Margaret - so Okay - I can do this. 12 miles!! Sandy we are done. SANDY! We are done! SANDY! WE ARE DONE! WOULD YOU STOP????.
Now I am at home, lovin my Diet Dew.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Internal Debates
The debate continued on the whole drive to the pool and the first half mile where for 5 seconds I seriously considered stopping and going back to the car. BUT I reminded myself that the first mile always sucks, even if Mike isn't there (hee hee).
AND it turned out to be a good run. Once I was warmed up I didn't feel too bad and we ran a 8:45 pace! I wasn't even leading the group! So, way to go you fast runners!
Monday, August 11, 2008
It was great to have Mike back in the fold. New stories! I don't think there is ever a worry about us gals sharing a fishing story which again shows the diversity Mike brings to the group beyond being the only male!
A good 5.67 mile run at 8:53 pace.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Back from LHP. On to SW
Today Nate, Ben and I are off on our mother-son bonding trip to see the Star Wars in St. Paul.
So, on top of all of this bonding, I bonded with Sandy, Christy and Katie this morning by running a 8:39 pace! Good job! As my mom would tell Grace - "Strong Women!"

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Working Hard?
I don't know if it was my body reacting to the interval training and pace work or the fact that we started running 2.5 hours later than normal. I am hoping it is the intensified training. Another way your body shows the training is pushing me.
Currently, I am sitting in a sweltering pool watching Grace and friend go down a water slide. Yes, I know, I could go in, but.....
I hope to be back to my running form on Wednesday morning.... wish me luck!
Friday, August 1, 2008
10 mile pace run
Elyse and Christy started out with us too. We were missing a couple of people.... enjoy making up your run in the heat... hee, hee, hee.
I am getting blisters in weird places like the top of my big toe. How in the heck does that happen?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
No humor today, but here is some inspiration: A women who ran a marathon a year after giving birth to sextuplets.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
So, the little worry worm is gnawing at my brain. My foot is bothering me again. Not sure what it is - new shoes (same style, different color) worn out inserts, just getting out of whack (not my brain) or what. Not what I want at this time. So I am icing, stretching, searching for my old shoes and waiting my new inserts. Of course, I won't know what caused the problem since I will have changed so many things at once. Oh well, as long as it goes away!
On a lighter note: On the Complete Running Network, I found the following article: "Nice Guys Finish Last". It is about the slowest Olympic marathoners in history. I actually found the article uplifting due to the reasons they gave for finishing. Check it out.
Geez! I almost forgot! Apparently the Sparta Police have finally figured out Mike's daily routine. There were two of them waiting for him in the Walgreens parking lot. They were very sneaky, lights off and in the alley right next to the parking lot. So sneaky that I almost rear ended them when I came into the lot. I wonder who's fault that would have been? Hmmmm. Anyway, unfortunately for SPD Mike is off traveling for work. We figured they had to be waiting for him, because he was the only one not there, they didn't arrest any of us innocent women and they left as soon as they realized he wasn't coming. We probably really confuse them with our alternate meeting places. See Mike, we've got your back!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, Monday la, la, lala, la la
A good 8:53 pace! It sure didn't feel that way starting out. It was one of those days that if I wasn't running with a group, I would have turned around and gone back to bed after the first miserable block. Well, maybe not gone back to bed - but close!
Friday, July 25, 2008
2:30 at 4:30
OMG - I almost forgot the best thing - GARAGE SALES! Yes, Friday mornings is garage sale day and today it paid off to be our running at 6:30! From over a block away I saw the old fashion aluminum web lawn chairs. I have been looking for them for my mom! Later I realized that it was a bit early for them to be open - but they were just standing around and looking open - so it didn't even dawn on me. Or maybe I conveniently forgot about the time of day - either way SCORE! I think now on Friday's we will do interval runs to each garage sale and rest time will be when we are looking at what's for sale. However, we will have to get them to open up their garages before the usual 8:00. Not a problem.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Getting Foggier
The only problem with running faster than the group is that Mike has plenty of opportunity to tell stories about me. Believe me - they are all untrue! I will have to plan those faster runs for when he isn't running!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Lessons learned about fellow runners
Quite the group this morning! EIGHT!!! Walgreens is going to think it has to open earlier because of all the cars in the parking lot. Or people are going to think they are missing some HUGE back to school sale. You would think that the Sparta Newspaper would have noticed this phenomenon and had a feature article on us! Oh, Wait, it is the Sparta Newspaper.
A nice interval run this morning, well nice might not be the word of choice, but we did do it faster than we ever have before! (Ah! the joys of having a Garmin!) Our shirts for Chicago will have to refer to speed in some way. Which reminds me... has anyone come up with what we should put on our Chicago shirts?
Saw Mike running all by himself on Friday afternoon. It made my heart sink. Not because he was running alone, but it was evident that he has not learned anything from us - running related that is. We know he has learned a lot about women! It was 90+ degrees, sunny and humid and here he was running with a BLACK baseball cap (the regular kind - no technical fabric in sight) and a COTTON t-shirt. Since he didn't have any water with him, he must have been using the cotton shirt as a sponge that he could wring out for water as needed. Yeah, that must be it. We know how much he hates spending money on the essential running stuff - like water bottles.
Lastly, Jill - our lovely Kwik Trip gal. I had the joy of experiencing a whole day at Noah's Ark with her. Yes, I do mean joy. She likes to pretend she is a timid girl, but let me tell you... all she needs is a little, make that tiny push and she is up for anything. She was making a great show of never going down the "Point of No Return" but given how quickly she launched herself down the ride I think she really had done it before. You know Jill, she just likes getting all the attention.
Okay, that is it - still not sure of the title...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Still a sticky run this morning, but much more enjoyable since it wasn't an interval or pace run. This was good since I have the end of the week exhaustion. Last night I was looking at the poll to see if the "always there" people were running, so if I bailed, Judy would have someone to run with. Of course, if I did give into that temptation I would be headed down a slippery slope, so I was there - but NOT with bells on!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Recovering from the shock

Friday, July 11, 2008
Dumb and Dumber or Dedicated and More Dedicated?
Jill and I should get the 'Larry' award. After dropping off the 5:00ers, we headed out for our last 45 minutes. The clouds to the east look ominous, but we kept positive thoughts. Well, Sandy only kept her positive thoughts until the end of the park loop and then she was outta of there. Some flash of light - I think it is was a firefly - made her nervous. A block later, Jenny also headed out - apparently fireflies were out in force. So the new thing I learned today is that and in addition to dogs, Jenny is also apparently very afraid of fireflies.
Jill and I kept on going. We were doing the stampede route backwards (Do we ever do it the right way?). When we were on the lower part of North St. it started to rain. By the time we were making the turn on to Thayer it was an all out downpour, but the sky looked lighter to the east and I didn't think it would last much longer. On the hill on Main, I learned the second lesson of the day - it could rain harder. At this point our shoes became lakes - but we were actually enjoying it. And if Jill says she wasn't - then she is proving once again what a devious person she is. Every once in a while we would get a nice flash that would like our way.
I am sure the male drivers really appreciated those flashes of lightening considering my soaked WHITE tank top (with built in support) and my light green shorts that are very transparent when soaked (Lesson #3 for the day).
So, if it rains at Chicago Jill and I will be the only ones prepared for it! Ha!
We ended up with 2:10 and 13.5 miles and a good story.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Catching up
I struggled with motivation to swim today. Luckily for me and unluckily for Shelia she was there to play "catch the other swimmer". A good hard and short workout which fit the bill today.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Good Job!
Jenny also dropped in unexpectedly. Don't ask me what is going on with her and Mike since they were in their own little "fast runners" world.
Here is some inspirations for those of us 40 and over (I am NOT over forty yet!) and those Young's who inspire to be as great as us....
An article on Dana Torres’s who is 41, mother of one and just qualified for her 5th Olympics and not just by the skin of her teeth. Torres won the women's 50-meter freestyle eclipsing the U.S. record she set the previous day in the semifinals. Of course if I had a head coach, a sprint coach, a strength coach, two stretchers, two masseuses, a chiropractor and a nanny, I would be going to the Olympics too. Okay, maybe just to watch.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sandy is Back and Wendy is Missing!
Sandy returned and Wendy disappeared. Something about a bad back. Hmmmm....I think that is a new excuse for her. Is someone helping her come up with excuses - Jill???? Just kidding Wendy.... as I say - teasing means we love you - unless you are Mike of course! Of course, I must give credit where credit is due - Mike is the only male not to drop off the face of Sparta after finishing his marathon.
We also learned that we have an elite in our midst! Kristy got first at the Ontario race this weekend! I am sure the field of competitors was HUGE, so it was quite an achievement! She was even kind enough to direct wayward runners on the right course. I know it will surprise you that Ontario assumed that everyone had run it before, therefore didn't do a real thorough job of marking the course.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Another new runner!
I think the group needs a get a little training on how to best welcome people into the group and make them feel welcome, valued and appreciated. I don't think running all the hills possible such as BC and Tower is a good way to do this, no matter what Kwik Trip gal thinks. Apparently Kwik Trip's philosophy is to have the veterans pretend that they work this hard all the time so that when new employees join they feel intimidated and naively do whatever the HR department tells them to do - you know the "Fear of God" method.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Loving Summer
I JUST figured it out! Christy was telling us that there is a bear that lives up in my next of the woods. Actually, what she was saying is that she doesn't want to run up the hill on Jefferson! We really need to get her some help with her passive aggressiveness! Luckily we are on to her and next week we will do a hill workout - just for her. It is called reverse psychology!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Intervals Day 2
Today was a whole new group of people, the cousins and Kwik Trip Gal. KTG has been saying she wants to run intervals, so I did her bidding today - despite all the grousing from the cousins - one in particular and you know who that is! It actually felt easier today. It does feel good when you are done - really! It does! Of course, Mike wouldn't know, since he just ran fast enough to keep up with us. A lot of chit chatting going on for someone who was supposed to be running fast!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Blogging in the summertime
What are the odds of that?
However, I must say that it is thrilling to get 2 new runners who also happen to continue the 'e' ending requirement - Kristy and Katie - which now brings us to to 7 morning runners whose name end with the 'eee' sound and two more (one alumni and one newbie (hopefully)) whose name end in 'e' but not the 'eeee' sound. And as usual there are the two who are always standouts - me and Jill. She and I might have to start our own running group!
Lastly, in case you hadn't noticed, a long overdue new quote is featured above.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Back from Esat Glacier!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Strong Women!
Wendy and I did a little over 10 miles. It was a beautiful morning, but I was thankful when the sun was hidden behind the clouds. It would have been pretty steamy otherwise.
Well, we are off on vacation and I won't have computer access... so talk to you in a week!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
New Runner
I have been meaning to do this for two reasons. One - to get my normal pace faster after it slowing down during marathon training. Two - like anything, your body adjusts to activities you do on a regular basis. So although you still get the same benefits, you don't tend to burn as many calories - or something like that. So, in addition to a slower pace, the other thing marathon training gave me was a few extra pounds. I am also trying to get rid of those!
Maybe Wendy and I can get the rest of the group to join us once in a while.
Looking forward to seeing Kristi on Thursday. She says she will be there!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
That was the song going through my head this morning. (I admit I had to look up where it came from - the play Oklahoma). Wow! So gorgeous! Yes, a little warm for a run. But so much different from rain. The Stampede should have a good turn out. Good Luck to Wade who is running his first race!
I snuck in a 4 mile run. I tried to do some "farklets" - sprinting a block then slowing down. It was weird to do it without my 'peeps'. I can't remember the last time I ran alone in Sparta!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Loss of a loved one
GREAT run with Christy and Mike. Mike was feeling a little rebellious so we created a new route on the fly. I am finally starting to feel back to normal... hills might be in our future soon!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Beautiful Saturday
Friday, May 30, 2008
Milking It
Today is Jim and my 10th anniversary. He is still sleeping, I ran 5 miles before 6:00. Needless to say, we would not have said this is what our 10th anniversary day would look like if you had asked us on our wedding day. Even more so, the going to bed at 9:00 to get up and run at 6:30 on Saturday. Is this is what maturity looks like?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
On the trail again
However, for us runners the trail seemed to go on FOREVER! 2.5 miles never seemed so LONG! To make up for it, the weather was near perfect. Slightly cool, but not too cool. Slightly warm, but not too warm. Slightly breezy, but only at the right times.
AND the kids actually said they had FUN! Wow! We will see if they sing the same tune during the Stampede. Any bets?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Back at it
However, on a more positive note: I can tell that Butterfest is drawing nearer - Christy's pace is a big peppier than normal.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Second Marathon - Done!
- The lady (or was it a man) in all in pink.
- The new motivational ABC game - except for Wendy.
- A reminder to teach newbies race etiquette such as not shoving through two people running together!
- Pace people don't really run at pace the whole race (why is the 3:40 guy behind the 4:00 guy?)
- Al should run the full so he doesn't drink all the beer before the marathoner's get in.
- Wine, beer and crackers with the crew are an essential part of the race (Jill!)