I went on a bit of a sightseeing run today. I get a little tired of running the Mall even though it is beautiful. So, today I turned off and tried to run around the White House. The thing with D.C. is that there always seems to be construction which closes sidewalks. So, I slowly made my may around and also got to see some beautiful historic buildings. I decided to run up Pennsylvania Ave (I could see the Capitol - so I knew I was heading in the right direction), it was a nice change but I had to do a lot of stopping and waiting for stop light changes. It would have been frustrating if I was on a serious run, but I was just out to enjoy the day and see some new sights.
My feet are giving me trouble - mainly huge blisters under my big toe. Not sure why I got them since I was wearing the same socks and shoes. Now one has snuck up in between my big toe and the next one - a little bothersome. Plus I am once again getting a black toenail on my second toe. I'm not even running the marathon! Ah - the feet of a runner!
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